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Suggestion. Saws blades break!


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The title sez it all, i posted this suggestion on Steam some months back and there were many replies, lots of talk about real life vs. Games ect. Clearly the kind of saw depicted in-game is a hacksaw, anyone that's used a saw irl will tell you about blades going blunt or even breaking, mainly hacksaws and bowsaw.  

Anyway, now we have (in iwbums) the metal walls it seems to me a good time to bring up the subject again, the saw could be just like the blow torch or welding rods, with a condition or certain number of uses,

then like the fishing rod with paperclips you'd need to find a new blade or box of blades, after replacing the old blade you could maybe even use it for scrap metal, but maybe that's a stretch. 


To me it doesn't seem like a big stretch of the game mechanics but would add another dash of 'realism', it may also make us more willing to bust in some doors rather than use the saw, it could become semi precious like the axe in the early days.



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Well, if saws don't break it makes no need to stack a lot of them, unless you are build a factory. I like this idea. Apart from being dull and breaking, wood saw's teeth (?) can aline sometimes, making harder to use it. It's something that can be repaired without wasting materials, but it takes time.


Also, if we can make a crude axe, why can't we make a crude saw? Using a blade, some wood and glue/duct tape. Or even, if one can't make a saw, use only the blade, which would give giant time penalty, but one don't need anything except the blade to do it! 

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