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convert saved game map into a large image


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is there any tool or any way to take our map file folder in a saved game and get the very large image that the map files would represent in game?


i have taken a look at the map tools but they only open .pzw files. Is there a pzw file for my current map somewhere? or one for the general clean version of the map?

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There is now a a tool available here:



It doesn't have a UI, only a command line interface and you need a way to compile C# programs to use it.

Most of the code comes from TIS with the savegame-reading code created by me.

it does not compile... it say:

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	LineError	CS0246	The type or namespace name 'MMBinReader' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)	MapMap	D:\Trabajo\VisualStudio\pz-mapmap-master\MapMap\Main.cs	73

do I need some sepcial lib? because MMBinReader and MMTileDefReader are not in MapMaplib

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Now I'm getting this with zomboid v33.20:

Starting programm...Reading texture data from: Erosion.packSheet count: 5Reading texture data from: Tiles.packSheet count: 25Reading tiledef c:\GOG Games\Project Zomboid\media\newtiledefinitions.tilesExcepción no controlada: System.FormatException: La cadena de entrada no tiene el formato correcto.   en System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)   en System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)   en System.Convert.ToInt32(String value)   en MapMapLib.MMTileDefReader.Load(String datafile)   en MapMap.Main.readTileDefs()   en MapMap.Main.Run(String[] args)   en MapMap.Program.Main(String[] args)
Edited by francogp
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Now I'm getting this with zomboid v33.20:

Starting programm...Reading texture data from: Erosion.packSheet count: 5Reading texture data from: Tiles.packSheet count: 25Reading tiledef c:\GOG Games\Project Zomboid\media\newtiledefinitions.tilesExcepción no controlada: System.FormatException: La cadena de entrada no tiene el formato correcto.   en System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)   en System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)   en System.Convert.ToInt32(String value)   en MapMapLib.MMTileDefReader.Load(String datafile)   en MapMap.Main.readTileDefs()   en MapMap.Main.Run(String[] args)   en MapMap.Program.Main(String[] args)


Check the runme.bash file. The tiledef files need specific names (prefixed with 0_ 1_ and 2_ respectively) to work.

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Check the runme.bash file. The tiledef files need specific names (prefixed with 0_ 1_ and 2_ respectively) to work.



Sorry abour the spam here... but now I get this 

Starting programm...Reading texture data from: Erosion.packSheet count: 5Reading texture data from: Tiles.packSheet count: 25Reading tiledef c:\Users\Franco\Zomboid\MAP EXPORTER\tiledef\0_tiledefinitions.tilesFilenumber: 0Tiledef Version: 1Got 122 tilesheetsReading tiledef c:\Users\Franco\Zomboid\MAP EXPORTER\tiledef\1_newtiledefinitions.tilesFilenumber: 1Tiledef Version: 1Got 177 tilesheetsReading tiledef c:\Users\Franco\Zomboid\MAP EXPORTER\tiledef\2_tiledefinitions_erosion.tilesFilenumber: 2Tiledef Version: 1Got 25 tilesheetsWorking on cell: 10 - 36Excepción no controlada: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException: Error genérico en GDI+.   en System.Drawing.Image.Save(String filename, ImageCodecInfo encoder, EncoderParameters encoderParams)   en MapMapLib.MMPlotter.PlotData(MMCellData cellData, String outputDir, Int32 cellx, Int32 celly)   en MapMap.Main.parseMapData()   en MapMap.Main.Run(String[] args)   en MapMap.Program.Main(String[] args)

My current param is:

MapMap.exe -tiledef "c:/Users/Franco/Zomboid/MAP EXPORTER/tiledef/" -gfxsource "c:/GOG Games/Project Zomboid/media/texturepacks/Erosion.pack" -gfxsource "c:/GOG Games/Project Zomboid/media/texturepacks/Tiles.pack" -mapsource "c:/Users/Franco/Zomboid/mods/PZMapPack/media/maps/PZ Map Pack/" -output "c:/Users/Franco/Zomboid/MAPS EXPORTER/output/" -dolayers false -divider 2

NOTE: Should I use ALL the params? or for example, -minx -maxx -miny -maxy are optionals? I tried the example coords and the original map, and the same exception occur. 

Edited by francogp
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No, the -max* and -min* parameters ARE optional, as are some others.

Can you do me a favor and try:

- using \ instead of /

- using a simpler parameter to -output (like: -output "output\"), ie: a relative path

1) I cant use \ instead of / because the program crash saying that the symbol is not valid

2) Yep... I tried a simple  -output "output\" and it works

3) how can I do a full map image insted of cells?

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I know that, but I was talking about a resized image... for example, I want a map of 10.000 x 10.000 pixels and the program resize the tiles for me.

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