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Can't use the "pick up" feature for crates on crates



Hellow dear community!



Maybe someone of you knows how to do it and can help me out by explaining.


So, yesterday I wanted to remove some crates in the warehouse south in Westpoint (here: http://pzmap.crash-override.net/#0.6580558977232579,0.18010316680782562,591.6296284641163 )


and I wasnt able to "pick up" crates that were on top of other crates. All I could see was "can't pick up crate- items on surface".


Trying to scroll through the tile items with R didnt help me to target that 2nd crate, I could only "try" to pick up that crate on the floor.


Any idea how I can do it, or is it at the moment not possible (like picking up furniture that is two tiles long)?

Thanks in advance!

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7 answers to this question

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Hi! This has been getting on my nerves lately, and I decided to try something cuz you know......you gotta know what's in those other crates :)


Here's what I did : I simply emptied the crate on top of the crate I want to move, and destroyed it with my sledgehammer. Be warned, the noise might attract zombies so you need to be able to switch weapons quickly, be protected by closed doors or far from zombies. Once the top crate was gone, I could FINALLY move the one under it :D

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As far as I know, It's not possible, report it on the tracker on the off chance it is a bug. There are reports of it on the Bug Tracker

The best I can imagine, there is probably some issue where the game has a problem with properly placing a crate that was picked up from above the ground floor and inability to pick it up is a temporary way to avoid having players encountering problems with that.

That or the game fails to check for object from top to bottom and just looks for floor or something directly on the floor.

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