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Increase body temperature while running a certain distance


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Imagine Im running in real life, my body temperature obviously increases... I think this should happend to in PZ too. Running for 2+ hours our charachter should be overheating in summer, even if he doesnt have any kind of clothes XD... the same in winter, If we have a blouse for example in winter and we are cold... if we run for 2 hours we should be getting a little warm fom the exercise... 


What yall think?

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Yup. Me too. "Freezing and near death" seemed to be the moodle that popped on me the other day, and I thought, "I should be able to move around to warm up". Makes intuitive sense. I wouldn't want to start a fire for just the wee hours. But if I was forced to wake up and move to keep from freezing, maybe I'd be balancing exhaustion and cold. That'd be cool with me.

I did notice however that freezing near unto death did cause my character to move like molasses, so I was happy to see that there were some negative effects to being super cold, when previously I had believed that there were none.

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