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Using Necroforge mod, unable to reload pistols or shotguns



Ive just began a new game and ive found that shotguns and pistols are not reloading. I've tried both R and right clicking. Somehow the sawnoff reloads just fine. Lack of some items in the mod show how outdated it is, but is it causing the reloading issue? Would i be able to disable the mod and not screw up my save?


Appreciate the help

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3 answers to this question

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I don't think necroforge has been updated in a very long time, so that likely is the problem. As for whether disabling it will hurt your save... it's hard to say. It might, it might not- we really can't tell you for sure since we don't know what the mod has done for sure. You could try making a back-up of your save and then disabling the mod and see what happens.

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Hey there hope you don't mind me cutting in...


I have been tweaking NF slightly here and there but I can say I for one haven't come across any bugs with reloading and highly doubt it's the mod preventing the action. This includes the recent versions of the 30build I've tested for bugs and the only issues are the lacking items and broken horde button. Even the older versions of NF couldn't cause any actions like reloading to break as far as I am concerned.



I had an issue with reloading before in one of the older builds but that was long before NF was in-development. Hope this helps narrow down the problem some how.

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