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Not what you think


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Hey everybody, my names Brandon (Duh), and I am going to make a neat little story below for you to read. Or maybe it's not neat, depends on what kind of stuff you like to read. This is an improvisional story by the way, not that it matters, I just need more stuff to say in this intro so I sound like I know what I am doing. Ok story time




You know, when I was a kid, I always thought that I was going to live forever. It is a common kid thing, to not recognize the danger of the world. I even went as far to think that should the apocalypse come around I would have everything figured out. My buddies and I would spend days just planning out a plan of action should the end of the world come to be. When the broadcasts started I was at a buddies house for a week, just hunting in the woods. I rang up the others, and we all got together. I was excited... god I was so stupid back then... The first thing we did was pool all the money we had on hand and went to a nearby town to stock up on canned foods. It was HELL. When we got there people were screaming bloody murder, corpses were getting up and roaming around, cars were crashing into things in a desperate struggle to escape. I barely swerved our truck out of the way of an oncoming semi that would have ended us all right there. I kind of wish it did. It would have been quicker. By the time we reached the store it was nearly stripped, the windows were bashed in and no one was attending the counter. My friend Mike stepped up though, and he busted into the back storehouse and brought out some crates for us. Neatly packed cans of corn, tuna, peaches, anything we would need. While we were loading the truck though, one of the corpses came tumbling out of the backroom and grabbed Mike. I guess the noise of us moving things woke it up, I don't know, all I know is that Mike went down fast. He flailed around on the ground, trying to throw the thing off of him. By the time we got to him it had it had bitten his index and pinkie finger clean off. One of us, Daren, I think it was, grabbed it and threw it against the wall while we helped Mike get to the car. I screamed for Daren and looked into the window of the shop where he was wrestling the creature still. He was a big guy, the biggest out of all of us, but he was still having trouble. It just kept getting up, every time he threw it down it got back up. It wasn't until it got its head slammed on the corner of the counter that it stopped moving. Daren took that chance to hop in the truck. The six of us just kept pushing through the town... I can still see the horrors now. The blood, people screaming, corpses eating people and making more corpses. It shut me in a dark recess of my mind that I still haven't escaped. One of the worst times was when we had to stop the car because of a roadblock. AJ and I hopped out of the truck while Mike wailed and cried. Nick Jack and Daren stayed to take care of him. AJ moved over to the first barrier and the two of us slowly pushed it together. You would be surprised how fast things can go quiet. When they did that's when we noticed something was horribly wrong. I looked around at the buildings surrounding us. There were a few non moving corpses and blood around the streets, but other than that it was completely silent. I turned to AJ and he shrugged, then we kept pushing. We had moved it just enough to scrape the car through when AJ screamed at me. I raised my head and a corpse was moving towards me. By the time I reacted it had almost reached me. Then out of nowhere this woman comes screaming through the newly opened barrier, followed by another corpse. I pressed myself against the concrete barrier as hard as I could and watched as the corpse coming for me grabbed her instead. Both of them forced her to the ground and we got up in hopes of helping her. By the time I was on my feet her screaming was cut out by the blood rushing from her throat. One of them fell straight on her neck, while the other was eating her leg like it was the meat off of a chicken bone. AJ and I slowly made our way back to the truck and decided to turn it around and head out of town from the way we came.


Next thing I know, we had gotten a couple miles out of town. Everyone was shaken up. Darren was asleep in the back seat by the food, Mike had his fingers patched up with some improvised bandages and was sleeping. My other three friends, Nick, Jack and AJ were all sitting silently, traumatized by the horror they had just seen. I heard people who were only ever in one battle in Vietnam still had cases of PTSD... I guess it is was the same thing. After about a half hour of driving I spotted a small house and pulled into the driveway. Daren, Nick, Jack and myself got out and left AJ to watch after Mike. Daren and I stood on both sides of the front door, while Nick and Jack looked at the windows from the first to second floor to see if there was anything visible. Nick jumped back as he was looking at a second floor window. Daren whispered to him, asking what he saw. He only responded by saying a couple of the curtains on the second floor closed. Jack tiptoed back to the truck and grabbed the hunting rifles Mike and I had used. Not like he will be shooting it anytime soon anyway. I took mine, and Nick took Mikes. We stormed the house in a military like fashion, popping open the door and checking every possible ambush point right away. It was very tense, the house was dead silent. There was nothing, but short gazes exchanged between us. Once I made sure the first floor was clear I sank into one of the living room chairs and took in what was happening. How was my family? Were they already dead? It took a loud BANG to jolt me from my daydream. I grabbed my rifle and rushed towards the source of the sound. Darren and I arrived in the kitchen at the same time. There on the ground, was a corpse. Nick stood over it, shaking from fear. It must have jumped him, but I was relieved that he was alright. That feeling was cut short when I remembered that Daren couldn't kill the one in the store until he gave it a solid knock to the head. I guess he remembered at the same time because he quickly flipped it over and got ready to hit it again. Neither of us did. An elderly man who was not a corpse, at least not before Nick shot him anyway. It shook me bad, but not as bad as it did Nick. Daren didn't help by looking at him and saying that he killed a man. Jack had nearly fallen down the stairs getting here. Once he saw the body he said that it was time to go. No one had any objections. We came sprinting out of the house, abandoning what we were going to use as shelter for the safety that was our truck. We all slid into the car and AJ had his head hung low. I looked in the backseat. Mike was missing. I yelled at AJ. "What did you do Aj?" I screamed. "Where is Mike?" AJ met our gazes and then looked over to a ditch. In it laid Mike, sprawled out like a ragdoll. My childhood friend was just... gone. He lost too must blood and our poor excuse for bandages didn't help. I got out of the car and fell to my knees by his body. Tears streamed from my face. I knew this man since I was young. We grew up together, we shared drinks at the bar, we high fived each other, we went hunting together, and now he was gone. I was so busy mourning I didn't realize that he was getting back up. By the time I noticed everyone was too stunned to do anything.


We gave him a proper burial after it was over. It seemed like that was forever ago, even though it was only three months. Every day has been horrible. I have never felt what it was like to be truly hungry... or thirsty until now. I was stuck wit ha group of people who didn't know me, and who I didn't know. The only person who I had left was Nick, what happened to Daren and AJ I don't know, they just disappeared one day. Jack ended up getting bitten, and in this world, as we found out with Mike, it is a death sentence. Everyone I have ever loved is gone. Everyone. The Apocalypse is not what you think, it is a nightmare that does not end. Why would I ever hope for this? Why did I plan for something like this? My friends are dead or missing except for Nick and I have no clue what happened to my family. I can't wake up from this nightmare, but I am too afraid to let it end...



So that was a short story I thought up. I hope it gives you all a new outlook on the zombie apocalypse. It is not happy fun times, and it never will be. If you want/think I should extend the story or go into more detail about what happened to get our unnamed protagonist from Mikes death to being with a bunch of strangers, just say so in a reply. I don't think this will get very big, so I won't expand upon this unless people want me to.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Brandon, don't forget your lunch and eat all the salad.


Edit: keep up the good work, great.


I loved this. Keep up the great work!

Thanks for the support you two, I will add a little bit more of detail to the part through the town, just to make it feel longer.

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