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Non-Generic Firearms Mod


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Sweet and simple. This mod doesn't add any new guns. It simply takes the generic pistol, shotgun, sawn-off shotgun, hunting rifle, and varmint rifle and gives them real firearms names. They're the following:


Beretta M9

Remington 870 12ga.

Sawn-off Remington 870 12ga.

Remington 700 .308

Remington 700 .233


Not that I'm in love with Remington firearms but that's actually what the devs based their guns off. Looking through the items script file, you can see the pistol was based off the Beretta 9mm handgun. In the forums they actually talked about the rifles being based off the Remington 700. And the shotgun, well not entirely sure about this one (if anyone can clarify, I can change it). But I just went based off the fact that a standard Remington 870 (besides being very popular) holds 6 rounds, just like our PZ shotgun. And for the most part the sprite looks like an 870. I might eventually change it just so that not every gun you pick up is basically a Remington :P


I also changed the shotgun shells to 12ga Shells


So there you go, this is for those of you would like to pretty much keep the game as is just with actual, non-generic firearm names. I figured since the other firearms mods add a whole arsenal of firearms, this would be a nice little treat for anyone looking to not stride off too far from what the devs. are doing with the game.




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