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Found 5 results

  1. Okay, watches in the game tell you the time, day and month but not the year. I think they should say the year too. See how much time has passed since 1993. It'd show the player and survivor how long humanity has been holding out basically as time goes by.
  2. I want to suggest a timekeeping update that would actually fit in pretty perfectly with Build 42, 44, or 46. My main suggestion revolves around watches and clocks, however there are some other ideas I've had that could fit into the picture pretty well. Starting off, I would love to see different sized batteries, working clock tiles, and clockwork winding. In real life, there are dozens of different types of batteries that are not at all interchangeable. Obviously, we don't need to add every different type of battery in existence into Project Zomboid, but some variation would be fun and engaging. I imagine there would be 3 types: Small Battery, Battery, and Large Battery. These batteries would be representative of button cell batteries, AAs/AAAs, and D or C batteries respectively. These batteries would be used for various different electrical devices. Radios and flashlights, for example, would need Large Batteries. While things like watches and other small devices would take Small Batteries. Right now, I'm sure you're saying, "But watches don't need power!" If this update were to be implemented, it would be awesome for digital watches to actually have charge that will run out eventually. This would actually give a reason to use wristwatches, as they would be 'recharged' a different way. Wristwatches could simulate actual clockwork inside, which would require regular winding to keep it from becoming inaccurate over time. It would just be a small timed action likely only needed every week or so; and since there are no deadlines in PZ, I doubt anyone will be too upset having their watch off by an hour or so anyways. This would also open the door to adding in Antique Pocketwatches as a rare collectible, that would need to be manually rewound every day. As for my final suggestion here, I would love to see functional clock tiles in the game. I know the game's engine doesn't allow the tiles to update in a way that would be able to portray the time. We should at least be able to select an option to check the time in case we don't have a watch on hand, though. There are also some fun little side suggestions I've had related to this topic I figured I'd throw out there. For wilderness-oriented survivors, a sundial. Easily crafted with some planks and a saw after reading a magazine that teaches the recipe. This could function just like the aforementioned working clocks, where it would be an option that would give you the time of day. However, this would only give the time in 15 minute increments, rather than down to the minute. These would be especially useful if batteries were added as a requirement to watches someday. I also think a functional calendar would be a useful addition to the game. It would be a wall decor tile that could be used to open up a calendar UI that would function a lot like the map UI. This UI would have 12 pages, one for each month. Perhaps there could even be different calendar variants i.e. Pinup Girls, The Beauty of Nature, or Firefighters of the Month. I picture that you could add notes and symbols just like you can with maps, allowing players to set goal deadlines or plan trips, etc. This would also allow MP groups to communicate timelines to eachother very effectively.
  3. After the 41.40 update, I'm having an issue with my digital watches disappearing when I return to my game. I understand I initially had to find new watches after the update but, I've logged off a few times to come back and discover the new digital watches I've previously found have disappeared. To test this, I spent a good bit of time going around looting and killing zombies just for the watches. I probably had 7 or 8 that I placed in a container for safe keeping before I logged off. Upon returning, they were all gone. No problem with the wrist watches, I still had all of those but, the digital ones were missing. I favor those because of the temperature and date they show. Was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.
  4. I think they should remove the clock from the top corner because you do not have any watch or are you looking at one as what I propose is that can add watches that can be put on your wrist when equipped you can check the time or see a wall clock * If they add it * Also If you tell the time even when you stop looking at it The watches appear closets and sometimes a zombie when you use the wristwatch and may appear again the clock in the upper corner
  5. It isn't reasonable to assume someone in this day and age has a clock / watch that isn't on their cellphone, and most cellphones will last less than four days with even the barest of use, so the fact that you automatically get a clock in PZ kind of confuses me. I know this was suggested on the older forum, but I feel the need to bring it up again - Watches. They should be an item, and at least as common as shoes, but not something you start off with. They should have a chance of breaking if you do anything that injures you, but otherwise be the eternal source of proper time-keeping they already are. If you don't have a watch, there should either be a rudimentary sun-dial in the corner so you can approximate the time of day, or by pressing one of the unused buttons you should be able to look at the sky. Not with any first-person graphical wizardry, but just by overlaying an image of a sky (clear, cloudy, or raining) with the sun in the appropriate position or hidden behind clouds. If you don't know directions this makes you think for a few seconds about the time, which is reasonable given the circumstances. It also brings me to another point - usually, you can tell when it's going to rain. If we had the 'look at the sky' option, or so little as a weather indicator that turned cloudy before the bad weather hit, we might be able to plan expeditions without getting ill when our perfectly clear day suddenly turned into The Day After Tomorrow. Considering a sudden bout of rain can make you ill and end your days, I don't think it's too much to ask to have a small chance of planning ahead. Not asking for a perfect forecast, I'd just like to see the clouds. TL;DR : People don't all wear watches anymore and weather in PZ runs on a chaos engine. Suggestions to fix. Discuss. (EDIT: I noticed watches in the community suggestions topic after writing this... but considering the elaboration I'm leaving it in here. ;P Since it also ties into the weather thing, besides. If you don't know what I'm referring to please read this so we're on the same page.)
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