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  1. Ok when using the wall tool make sure for these sides you click on Exterior wall and select your texture. Click the multicolored square at the top toolbar and you get the room tool. then go to the plus and click add room When you open it up you see there are two names, the top one doesn't matter, the second one indicates what spawns there, so if im making a bedroom put bedroom for internal room name. https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5461-full-list-of-current-room-definitions/ this is a good list to help you figure out the names for spawns (THANK YOU RingoD123 for the roomlist). Then go down and click interior walls none (if you used the wall tool) do the same for Tri Go to floors and pick your floor tiles you want, i choose carpet for this bedroom If you click on the little color box, it will let you choose a color so you don't confuse yourself when you have more than one room like 2+ bedrooms, one you can set to blue, another to red. if you want or you can keep using the same one if it's going to use the exact same floors. then you go to the exterior walls and select what you want the outside walls to be, if you want to use the wall tool, select none and it will look like this If you want it to match or use a different color for the hallways outside the bedroom go to exterior walls and select your wall (i decided to match mine). If you go to Ortho you get an overhead view and you'll notice that your rooms are visible based on the color you picked earlier you can do everything without using the room tool if you want, then when you want to spawn stuff(you will need to use the room tool for that) you just set everything in the room tool to none, and go to exterior walls and click it to NONE and it will look like this (this way you can continue using the wall tool). Wall tool version This is how you do floors in ISO mode rather easy. Just go to floors when you have your room selected red bedroom(or whichever you picked) and pick the floor tile you can switch back and forth once you have the rooms setup using the textures on the right, just change the Room drop down menu I have highlighted and it will automatically fill it in Red Bedroom right window click on tile, bam, blue bedroom click on tile, bam, etc etc Also dont be a NUB put lightswitches in your house or it will be pitch black Lighting - Indoor Also if you want to spawn items not found in a bedroom in a bedroom but not mess up dressers too here's how, make a new room with a new internal name - I picked gunstore for gun spawns, picks a gun locker for furniture and placed it. set everything to none, except the same color floor, then this is where ORTHO helps and the color coding click the draw room tool after selecting the new room from the drop down menu you'll notice I have 4 square selected (only need one for the gun locker) but the furniture is blocking the tile so I did 4 for you to see As you can tell it all looks the same in ISO mode, but anything that is storage will spawn gunstore stuff now on those 4 tiles So when you have stuff like offices, that you want office supplies, but also have something like a mini fridge, or cabinets, you can just do that and keep the same textures, but have different spawns! I hope I explained it well. Hopefully there will be more to come! I often get questions in Discord so since I go through the effort to walk people through it I figure I'd share it here! Again TY StarKitty for the motivation! Happy Mapping!
  2. The ability to find secret rooms in houses. and/or The ability to make secret rooms in houses. I know it wouldn't be common, and I wouldn't really want it to be. But I feel it would make things interesting...like I like the idea of seeing things you normally wouldn't see, but because of the apocalypse you're able to. Like how you can go into grocery store backrooms, movie theater storage, etc. Like just imagine the kind of things people have hidden in their houses. Now, I'm not for the "awkward stuff" like "rape, kidnapping, etc." Just something different like pre-apocalypse, or during-apocalypse kind of secret rooms i.e. Like a panic room, maybe the person is insane and isolates themselves in the room, etc. It could possibly be OP, but it could be balanced because you would still need to protect your house from zombies infesting it. Also, the zombies could attack whatever is hiding your secret room (that you found, or made). And if it's okay for the material to be something more or less indestructible like metal, or zombies don't attack your door; it would make for some interesting scenarios i.e. Hiding in your secret panic room slowing dying from lack of food, or medical aid cause you're unable to go out because of your house is zombie infested, having to decide whether to make a run for it, or not. And players would be able to guessif someone has something like this. There are probably a good decent amount of holes in this, so let me know what you all think constructively. It's definitely not priority, but I feel it's something weird that would be interesting. Just some ideas.
  3. Well sense this is my first post im not sure how all these are done, but simply put. HOW, HOW HOW HOW have people not come up with the idea for multi story houses? For one it would add a new twist to the game itself, large sky scrapers and such. New homes and getting caught up in one, no way you as zombies are coming from above and below. So you have to climb out the window somehow lowering yourself to the ground, or die trying. Something amazing On the PZ website is them adding creative mode, so we as a community would be able to make those large City's we have always wanted. And with this mod we can actually make larger homes, taller, maybe even basements and bunkers? But for the beginning just multi story would be a wonderful start, let me know what you think!
  4. erase please
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