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Found 3 results

  1. I'd like to suggest to you: Gabions aka wire mehs walls Ingredients: Make use of and to create the wire mesh with the metalworking skill, , and Using to dig a trench for foundation Creating the foundation with , (?), and Adding the mesh to the foundation with (from ) and the use of Finally filling these with excess stones ( and ) from foraging (good way to get rid of them) Procedure: 1 - Shovel: Dig a small trench for a concrete foundation 2 - Bucket: Create a unit of concrete from sand out of sandbags (optional - finite resource?), cement bags and water 3 - Metalworking: Craft mesh units from wire and metal scrap 4 - Assemble: Pour concrete into trench, wait some hours till cured (optional), screw mesh unit onto concrete, add stones to wire mesh 5 - Profit! These walls could possibly be an alternative to the log walls in mid / late game Please like, share and discuss on these
  2. Hello fellow survivors! My name is VenomDG. I had an idea while surviving with my friend. We found it hard to fully keep zombies away from our base of operations with our own force using axes and guns, which just attract more. I suggested it would be really cool to be able to set traps around our base that zombies would run into and we would be able have to clean off and reset in case of allot of zombies were to wander on over. I would like to see something like the forest. How they use the traps. Maybe have like 2 posts in the ground [logs] and use wire between them that will tangle zombies causing damage when they try to move if they go in it. Ill make a list here if ideas for traps i have: • [ Wire fence ] Crafted using 5 wire and 2 logs, Causes damage and slows zombies who walk against the fence. Wires have a duration on them and will snap if to many zombies are against them at one time or have been used enough. You can repair them with a screwdriver and wire. • [ Wacker ] Crafted using 3 Nailed baseball bats, 2 logs, 2 rope, 10 nails, and 1 wire. Would kill a zombie when triggered by swinging the bats up at the zombie. < Needs to be reset after use > • [ Lobber ] Crafted using 1 shotgun / pistol, 3 planks, 1 wire, 2 sticks, 20 nails, and 1 rope. Would essentially be a gun on a stand and when a zombie crosses the wire it would shoot the gun killing the zombie. You would have to reload the gun by opening the inventory and inserting the proper ammunition. Should be used in door ways. < Very inaccurate > • [ Mauler ] Crated using 1 sledge hammer, 2 rope, 1 wire, 2 sticks, 10 nails, and 3 logs. The zombie pulls the wire ripping the sticks from the ground letting the rope lose and would send a sledge hammer flying down killing any zombie it its way and pushing back others. < Needs to be reset after use > • [ Hangers ] Not a trap for killing, But slowing down zombies. Thus allowing you to get more control of crowds / hordes. Crafted using 5 sand/gravel/dirt bags, 3 logs, and 5 rope. Would make a wall of hanging bags for zombies to walk through, slowing down the zombies as they come through. • [ Holman ] The trap from the game "The Forest" Also known as the 'Happy birthday trap' Would be crafted using 4 planks, 2 rope, 2 logs, 20 nails, and 20 sticks. Would trigger a wall to rise up (Much like the wacker) killing any zombies in the way of the trap. • [ Nailpolt ] Much like a catapult, but with nails. Crafted using 5 planks, 2 rope, 1 wire, 2 sticks, 2 cooking pots, 2 boxes of nails. Would send nails flying at any incoming zombies with an 80% chance of killing them. Good for crowds. :: I have allot more ideas. Let me know what you think so far. I cannot mod this game at all i have no clue how to, but hopefully someone will be interested in adding this and use my idea :: Crappy sketches of the traps: [ Wire Fence ] [ Wacker ] [ Lobber ] [ Mauler ] [ Hangers ] [ Holman ] Could be so much better designed than this. [ Nailpolt ]
  3. I just had a little idea for a defence system that could be added to the game. This would work both as a deterrent for both zombies and survivors. Basically, using a log and a saw you can craft 2 wooden stakes. Stakes can be placed individually on the ground, taking up one tile, however you can still walk around them. Four wooden stakes could be used to make a stake wall (just four stakes in the ground upright, taking up one tile like a regular wall). Regular stakes can be used to display dead bodies, so assuming you had tons of these set up around your base, the smell would help to mask your base from zombie hordes and would also deter most NPC's from getting too close. Now as a defence, you could create stake trap and barriers, the traps would be single stakes in the ground at a random angle, a zombie could then be lured to walk into the stake and get stuck. Now do this around the entire base and you have a minefield of zombies for trespassers to get through (and if they do get through it they'd make a ton of noise killing all the trap zombies). Trap zombies would be tough to deal with since you can't push them off of you, they could grab you and pull you in for a snack. Worse yet, if the angle is right, they could pull themselves off the stake and then you'd have a bigger problem. Stake barriers would be similar to trap stakes, but would be more like a wall. Basically you'd craft it using 7 stakes (3 for supports, 4 for the actual barrier), and it'd be at a 35-40 degree angle facing N, S, E or W. These would work well as one-way routes, people would have a lot of trouble getting over the sharp end of the barrier while people on the other side could walk up it and hop off the end. I'm kind of thinking similar to the medieval style barriers which I believe were effective against cavalry, these would work well against zombies (they can still break through them though) and humans who would need to get past the sharp stakes and any zombies that might be stuck on them. Anyway, let me know what you think, personally I think this could be really cool when it comes to survivor group wars and would just be awesome to see hundreds of zombies placed in a big minefield style defence. -GodWaffle
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