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  1. Uh... hello guys, how are you? I wanted to share my ideas to you guys. Yes, I'm new here and my English isn't good, so... sorry. Anyway, let's go to my ideas. I read that the developers won't intend to put on the game "roleplay things" before the apocalypse starts, so I thought in a situation to give an immersion to the player's character about who happens before this (like a introduction to his life): if, for example, the player's character is unemployed, he starts with a introduction (I don't know, a short-movie or something like that or a storyboard animatic; something simple because it's just a introductio) that shows he at the... uh, grocery buying supplies while a music is playing, then, a scream scares he and the music stops suddenly and screamings can be heard from far. Then, the people are running desperate and scared trying to save their lives. Then, appears a zombie who want the player's meat. Now, comes another idea based on the player's traits and his occupation what affects his actions in this introduction and also where he lives (if he's rich, he has a fancy and expensive house or something like that, and the opposite occurs too). And I thought in something based on his occupation, as a firefighter, in the apocalypse he's helping someone and/or doing things that a firefighter does when suddenly someone tries to bite him and/or his colleague. I also had another idea and this involves dogs and cats. Do you guys intend to add cats to the game? And traits about dogs/cats (if intend to) to the player's character? Like a trait for who loves dogs/cats, increasing happiness and decreasing stress when near one of them; who hate dogs/cats, increasing stress level or something like that and decreasing happiness when near a dog/cat; who fears dogs/cats, increasing panic. And do you guys intend to add settings to this? Like uh... a customization menu to dogs/cats when some trait or occupation have one of them or both. If this happens, will have a cost, I suppose. And will have a benefit and harm to both? Like, a dog barks very loudly when shouldn't do, calling zombies to him and those zombies will attack the player, I suppose the dog will run to the player and next to him (or not if he's wild... I don't know, maybe it can happen), attracting more zombies while the player doesn't do what he wants or doesn't tell him to stop (he can obey or not). And this won't happen if the player trains him, and the training is done with the help of magazines, or traits, or occupation, like a Dog Handler or Veterinary profession. And on the subject "dog obedience", do you intend to add personality customization to the dogs/cats? Like the player's traits. And this can be used with NPC's who's next to the player's character. Family, friends, etc; customized by the own player. [edit] And what about relationships moodles? I mean, there's the player's character and his... husband, and when he's next to him, increase happiness and when he's far away, then the player's character will be apprehensive as well as when he is attacked or the simple fact that zombies are near him and these things and the player's characters moodles will be influenced by the trait as well as affection for the other (and in that can come a kind of panic that forces the player to do what the trait induces). And if he dies, it's possible that the player's character gets depressed. And on the subject "relationships", will have a customization to this? I thought in moodles effects that will be activated when the character's next to someone who's intimate and with who isn't intimate, like a stranger who knocks their house's door asking for shelter and the character will stay apprehensive (and a lot if with him are his brother or husband or anyone else with who he cares about) and maybe even can't sleep, and all of this will may depend on the traits. [edit] I don't know anything about these things and I feel I'm ignorant and rough about it but I don't want to load you guys or offend you. Sorry for anything and thanks for your attention!
  2. Game starts 1. In the beginning, you get a semi-random home depending on the proffession, not always a house, maybe not even a roof over your head, just a home you had the time. 2. After you choose a proffesion, you'll have a choice, to either do the one thing the game would ever tell you to do, which is do what the proffesion is, and where they want you to do it. Just to familiarize you with what you're supposed to know how to do. 3. However, if you don't need to, or don't want to, you don't have to, you could just start familiarizing yourself with the people, or the places around you, maybe find out who you'll befriend, rob, and/or kill. Get an early start on your home fortification, or you could just go nuts and start raging on people before the chaos even hits (GTA style). Or you could just roam or something. From Order to Chaos and Back 1. After the first day, panic hits, and the virus spreads within hours. 2. Since the game is already random with zombies, the timing of the full blown riot can vary. 3. As the riots continue from dusk till dawn and beyond, you'll see the zombie population growing, and your fellow human population dwindling right before your very eyes. 4. The military begins the quarantine, they set up outposts, they block the roads, they do sweeps on land and air, killing zombies and people alike, just taking orders. The End Times A. With the military only able to do so much, the zombie populations around you continue to rapidly grow. B. With the military ordered to hold the line and shoot everything that moves, many of their outposts and road blocks quickly became low on ammunition and couldn't hold out, the quarantines failed. C. With quarantine, after quarantine failing, the panic now spread across the country, the people realizing their government could not protect them any longer, decided to revolt by taking what they wanted and needed and leaving, the government fell. D. The game would normally start here. E. With the military not getting orders from up high anymore, or getting fresh intel from central HQ, the military itself simply disbanded. F. Most soldiers decided to go there own way, they will become survivors just like you, but better equiped, and you will either befriend them, rob them, and/or kill them. Extra Ideas Aging. With aging, you would be able to pick which age to start from, and depending on what age you are, there would be some extra buffs and debuffs to come with it. Plus, after a long time of this shit, zombies would eventually slow down, weaken, and then simply die from deterioration, the zombie population would eventually descend. Dreams & Hallucinations. Somehow, dreams and hallucinations have to be a thing in this game. Love ya, PEACE!
  3. Don't you think an Intro video is needed before entering the Main menu. Something to show the beginning of the Apocalypse or to explain what is happening or who you are. Maybe the video won't explain anything it will just show someone fighting for his survival in a fort he had built . This feature is trivial but I think it is necessary before the release of the full game.
  4. The Project Zomboid community has been receiving more and more members and spectators into its community ever since its release, with most of them arriving after the steam release. I offered to make a new member thread in this thread here, so here it is! So go ahead and say hi, new and recent members!
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