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Dr. Strangelove

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  1. Depends on the persons involved, really. Different people have different levels of sexual desire; if one partner isn't getting any and needs it I'd say they are being neglected in that aspect of the relationship. IMHO, sex is what differentiates a relationship from a Platonic friendship.
  2. I personally dislike marijuana and can't stand stoners in general, but the costs of the War on Drugs far outweighs the benefits. Just treat it like alcohol and be done with it. One issue that does make it trickier is the time THC spends in a users body, and subsequently will show up on sobriety and drug tests. If someone has been drinking or doing X, it'll be out of their system by the end of the weekend. THC takes weeks if not months to leach out, being fat soluble. I think it'd be for the best if pharmaceutical companies were put to the task of designing "good drugs." Ones that'll get you high, but with no negative side effects and the ability to quickly sober up by taking another pill. You'd do away with the demand for horrific stuff like krokodil (don't google image search it), bath salts, crystal meth, etc. Easiest way would be to try what the US government did during Prohibition, but on a much wider scale: mixing poisoned drugs into the market. Dozens of people died and hundreds were sickened or disfigured before the program was canceled due to outcry from the medical profession. I must say, death is a tad excessive a penalty for sparking up.
  3. On the subject of rape, in my former occupation I dealt with handling a lot of court evidence and supervising meetings between inmates and their lawyers. I had to work around a ton of rapists, murderers, and other lovely folks. In my experience, there are two clear kinds of rapists. 1. The guys who are natural-born rapists. They'd rape a man, woman, child, cat, dog, anything. To them, it's a control/dominance thing or just an impulse they can't evene explain themselves. This is the type of scum people think of when they state that rape has no component of lust or sexual desire involved. For these folks, that's pretty much correct. 2. People with a lack of empathy towards others and low inhibitions combined with a strong desire. "The ends justify the means" is their standard operating procedure. A lot of the cases of date-rape and people raping blackout drunk girls at parties are committed by this type. These are the folks that shoot people for their Air Jordans or to nick their wallet to pay for a video game. A baby? Yes. A fetus? No. A fetus does not have a functioning body and cannot sustain and grow itself without the mother. In my opinion, a fetus is but an earlier stage of human development. An infant is no less human than a toddler, than a child, than a teenager, and so on. It's a unique entity separate from mother, being a new creation composed of a mixture of her DNA and the father's. I'd probably still be pro-choice if more supporters of that movement acknowledged that it is killing, but argued that the taking of human life was outweighed by other factors; as we do in war.
  4. NV had a better story and a bit more logic to the world, but the map had a lot of spots where the rushed production really showed, and Ulyssus being cut left a big hole in the game. F3's map was much better designed, with tons of unique and interesting spots to explore, but the storyline was pants-on-head, count to potato, retarded.
  5. 1. I think a lot of it is caused by different career choices, rather than discrimination. When a business puts out a "help wanted" ad, they don't have a different pay tier for male and female applicants. Rather, men and women think, feel, and act in different manners due to brain chemistry and structure; which tends to make certain fields more attractive to them. For instance, all of the women in my family are college educated, two being university professors. They all chose to work with children; as elementary school teachers, a vice principal, OB/GYN, and pediatrician. The college-educated men in my family chose industrial farming, emergency medicine, law enforcement, and the military. 2. The West is the absolute furtherest from an actual "rape culture" that you can find on this planet. The slighest accusation of rape can ruin someone's life, reputation, and career, even if they are exonerated later on. Compare that to, say, the United Arab Emirates, where a victim is required in most jurisdictions to present a minimum of four male Muslim witnesses in order for an arrest to be made. 3. I used to be "pro-choice," but being around Planned Parenthood members and the left-wing in general made me do a 180 on the subject. It's the killing of human life, and like all killings should not be an act taken lightly or performed when not absolutely necessary. If we can get artifical womb technology online, one could transplant the developing child from the mother into an "incubator," avoiding the problem entirely. There's scads of people out there trying to adopt right now, and the birth rate of 1st World nations is reaching dangerously low levels as it is. Until then, I'd prefer that only cases of rape, incest, and stuff like ecotopic pregnancies be regularly performed. With the widespread availabiltity of birth control there isn't really much of an excuse not to use it and avoid the whole issue to begin with.
  6. Guide to X-code meanings, along with a preview of what their implementation might look like courtesy of twelve seconds in msPaint.
  7. Being from Louisiana, in 2005 I got to see more than I ever wanted of what goes on in a disaster. So I'd like to suggest a few things that I believe would not only be simple to implement, but would greatly add to the atmosphere of post-apocalyptic Knox County. In an emergency, search and rescue teams are quickly assembled out of available manpower. State police, FEMA, sheriff's deputies, CERT members, corrections officers, game wardens, and others are organized into units and start clearing houses block by block. When they clear a house, an "x-code" is spraypainted on the exterior with numbers signifiying the number of living and dead people found, the team that performed the search, the date, and hazards found. Put such markings on the outside of houses near the police station, some with dead bodies lined up outside from search teams encountering infected households, shooting the zombies, and placing them out front for later disposal. Said search and rescue teams were operating out of a evac camp at the police station or school, consisting of rows of tents and beds, portable toliets, crates, and watchtowers surrounded by a destroyed chain-link fence. There's a ton of MREs, bottled water, and medical supplies inside as well, meant to be distributed to the surviving population of Muldraugh. However, the zombie outbreak quickly proved much more serious than the local authorities had expected, leading to the S&R teams being withdrawn due to heavy casualties after only a few blocks. Upon falling back to the camp, hordes of zombies proceeded to close in and swarm the place, overwhelming the defenders and wiping everyone out. In gameplay terms, the camp would provide a location with a good supply of valuable resources, with the trade-off of being guarded by the largest zombie horde in the city. If a zombie apocalypse occured, you'd see a run on stores and local businesses as people scrambled to get supplies. As the situation deteriorated, it would spiral into out-of-control looting, as happened during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. To simulate this, some of the gas stations and stores would have the windows all broken and the insides mostly picked clean. Thoughts?
  8. Not pigs, fowl. Ugly devils, taste a bit like turkey. Dumber than a sack of rocks, so usually people keep them together with chickens and put their eggs in the chicken's nests. The hen then raises the guinea biddies with her own, and does a significantly better job of keeping them alive than it's real parents ever could. If anything they don't recognize gets close, they raise the alarm and start cackling. Bad thing if you're in the city, but in a remote area it'd be a handy way of alerting you to the odd zombie or human intruder.
  9. If I'm in a city, I'd consider animals very, very risky to have and keep. Besides the extra food and noise, you're also going to have to worry about feces disposal and catching fleas and parasites from it. With the low population density of the countryside, I'd actually want animals that would alert you to intruders. Guineas make a ton of racket if they see strangers or predators, and also kill snakes and eat ticks. We've got chickens that live mixed in with them and lay signifcantly more eggs. Fish are another great option, if you have access to a pond or lake. I Cats would be pretty handy for their traditional role of killing vermin, but if they got hungry could put quite a dent in the local bird population. Including chickens, if particularly unlucky. Horses for transportation, but they are often quite skittish. Had one get scared and run away with me on it after a fluttering plastic bag spooked him.
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