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Everything posted by Budgiefalco

  1. I love that idea. It really would add some fun by making the zombies more diverse and less predictable.
  2. Currently, and especially with mods; it is a pain knowing what things you can and cannot currently make. You have to check each and every crafting category tab in order to find out what you currently can craft. I would therefore like a new tab that only lists the "currently craft-able" items. The recipes that you currently do have the materials for.
  3. The feelings from the old Zomboid never gets to me anymore. The map is huge, there is always somewhere to run to and live in solitude. And when the zombies do arrive, they are easily out-runned. I've tried to mix and match sandbox settings to make a difficulty preset that keeps me on the edge of my seat. The main thing I'm missing in my balancing is fast zombies. We already have the choice between the standard "fast shamblers", and "sprinters". But for me, "fast shamblers" are too easily out-runned. On the other hand "sprinters" are so fast that you are essentially doomed from the start. I would very much like a preset in the middle-ground between fast shamblers and sprinters; a running speed. The speed of the zombies have not changed since the old small map of zomboid. But the map-size has! This does in my mind induce a clear imbalance that I believe has been overlooked. I would even go as far as to propose that the standard zombie speed in the survival/harcore mode be changed to accommodate this. That is one step in the right direction to make you feel a bit more helpless, in a world that I personally find too easy and void of danger. An alternative is to have a more mixed group of zombies with different run-speeds in the same game.
  4. Odd. It should work if you own zomboid. Log onto steam via your browser for now it should work. This will probably resolve itself once we go out of IWBUMs. OK then... After logging into my old account "budgiefalco" and seeing that the workshop only worked for that account, I quit steam and logged back on as the new account "budgiekey". Apparently now I DO get access. I do no longer know if my previous post is true... @_@ http://prntscr.com/83uduv EDIT: 30 minutes after browsing the workshop as my new account(budgiekey), I refreshed the page to see if there were any new mods on the page(still had not left the workshop page), and it returned me to "http://steamcommunity.com/app/108600". Now I am locked out once again. WTF
  5. Odd. It should work if you own zomboid. Log onto steam via your browser for now it should work. This will probably resolve itself once we go out of IWBUMs. It would not work in browser either. Anyways, I figured out the problem. I do own Project Zomboid, but it was bought on desura, and I applied the steam key to my old steam account "budgiefalco". I am playing games from my "budgiefalco" account with my current "budgiekey" account via steam's "Family library sharing". I can only play PZ with workshop mods while logged in to my old account :/
  6. Yes, I am logged into steam in the steam overlay as well. http://prntscr.com/83tkvv http://prntscr.com/83tnph It shouldn't have anything to do with game files, but just in case, I redownloaded and re-applied to IWBUMS. I don't get access to the workshop in any other web browser either.
  7. The main menu says I am on "Early Access v. 32.20 (Steam), but clicking "open steam overlay to spiffo's worshop" only opens steam overlay with the url "http://steamcommunity.com/app/108600/workshop", then redirects back to http://steamcommunity.com/app/10860. I never see the "workshop" tab in the navigation bar :/
  8. Is it just me, or is the zombie popuation bumped up by default? Anyways, if it is I have t say i LOVE IT!!! There has to be lots of zombeys by default. Without a challenge it becomes boring. I die more often now and that's annoying. But it is the way it should be, and that makes it FUN!
  9. Recreated the death by a fireplace twice. Your caracter don't get any fire decals. Hm. Guess I'm just crazy. But you should have gotten the pain and injury moodles as Enigma said. Surely some indication will be added besides that. As previously mentioned; " The only thing that comes up is that "slightly hurt" moodelt and the "slightly dmaged" mooldet or whatever it was. But that only comes up by the end. And I speed up the time while cooking stuff, so it's barely noticable." * I missed that last paragraph. * Now we know: Fast-forward+Cooking+Being close to the fire= Surprising Cremation. (The fire appearing on your character was in the older versions by the way. I had to look it up to see if I was truly crazy or not. I guess it was removed or something.) Fire will actually appear on the character, but this is only when being lit on fire by other fire sources than a campfire. So you were kind of right
  10. Recreated the death by a fireplace twice. Your caracter don't get any fire decals. Hm. Guess I'm just crazy. But you should have gotten the pain and injury moodles as Enigma said. Surely some indication will be added besides that. As previously mentioned; " The only thing that comes up is that "slightly hurt" moodelt and the "slightly dmaged" mooldet or whatever it was. But that only comes up by the end. And I speed up the time while cooking stuff, so it's barely noticable."
  11. Recreated the death by a fireplace twice. Your caracter don't get any fire decals.
  12. There were never any dancing moodlets :/ The only thing that comes up is that "slightly hurt" moodelt and the "slightly dmaged" mooldet or whatever it was. But that only comes up by the end. And I speed up the time while cooking stuff, so it's barely noticable.
  13. You know those times, you are almost two months into a survival game. When you are standing just one centimeter close enough to a fire. You are cooking food, and then suddenly collapse on the ground dead, your last thoughts before you turn into ashes being, "oh shit I stood in the fire" *DED*. This has happened multiple times to me, and it is REALLY annoying. This also includes zonbies standing behind you knawing on your butt. But you are too tired to see, or even "feel" them taking bites out of your priced behind. PLEASE! Add some sort of visual indication of when you are getting damaged by something. Such an indication could for example be red flashes out from the corners of your screen. Or maybe the character groaning in pain. Or perhaps both. This would be a small fix to something that really RUINS gameplays.
  14. I have a small idea. One should need to use a crowbar, hammer or other tool to open wooden crates.
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