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Posts posted by vae_victis

  1. 5 hours ago, EnigmaGrey said:

    Does it happen only when kiting groups?

    That's definitely when I notice it most; can't say it's the only time it occurs with confidence.  I can go look at some vods to see if anything stands out. 


    Just going from memory, there are a couple things I've noticed when this occurs: I'm predominately using short blades, I've already interacted with the zombie (stabbed/pushed), and it's most noticeable when backpedaling or kiting.


    EDIT:  Happens with as few as 4-5 zombies.  Hard to see what might trigger the change in grabbing behavior; i.e, whether it's the zombie being stabbed or forced backwards into another zombie via push/hit/stab.  Whatever the cause is, it seems like the event switches that particular zombie's behavior/visual and they will continue to attempt "long grabs" when possible.

  2. Zombies are able to grab or engage a player from what appears to be a further than normal range.  I haven't noticed any obvious triggers for the behavior.  However, I'm encountering this issue on a fairly regular basis when killing zombies vigorously (70-100 zombies / in-game day).  I've included a clip below that might help understand the visual.  If you can get past my lamentations, watch the zombie with the teal leggings.  Around the 16 second mark, it engages the character with what looks like a tile of distance between the two.




    If I can provide any other information that would help, please let me know.

  3. Cannot connect.

    I just restarted it.



    can I ask how often you plan to restart, I am looking for a server that waits a week or two.. if people don't find loot or zombies they are afraid to walk a few blocks if the server has only been active 2 days hahah

    personally I have enjoyed exploring far away more than anything in this game.. was playing a server today and walked about 10-15 minutes and found a group of survivors saying they have never had someone show up randomly before.. made me laugh that people say servers are zombie free and looted dry but then still inside of town I find a compound nobody visits.

    I'm not sure yet.  I think it's going to require regular restarts - maybe not refresh the world data, but just to kill the java app and remove any possible memory leaks.

  4. I've run this server for over 24hrs now so I'm feeling good about the uptime.  Now I'd like to open it up to whomever and see how it handles.  (EDIT) - I did restart the server as of 2 hours ago.


    Here's the IP:


    PS - Don't spawn camp.  See you in there.

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