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Everything posted by slash

  1. Ich vermute, dass das Spiel diese Reihenfolge aktuell nicht vorsieht, da es im englischen eben diese Reihenfolge hat. Da müsste dann anhand der Sprache DE die Reihenfolge der Strings geändert werden, schätz ich. Macht einer ne Mod?
  2. slash

    Juices mod (v0.0.1)

    I'm trying to think of new drinks. Already added Whisky Sour made of Lemon Juice and Whisky and an Orange Whisky Cocktail. But as you said FreeJayFly, the ingredients have to be there. Right now only drinks from existing items are in the mod. I'll add lemonade as a recipe of lemon juice water and sugar soon. The mix juices are also a good idea. Milk is quite rare in PZ but I'll put it on my consideration list. What do you guys think about juices out of the kind of more solid vegetables like brocolli and potatoes? I'm not sure if these are real things, and also the procedure of just squeezing them wouldn't work. Blenders won't be a thing in the postapocaliptic world I guess, so banana juice is also difficult.
  3. So, I made a small mod which adds the juices idea to the game. Find and test it here: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/5120-juices-mod-v001/ or here https://github.com/voodoocode/juicesmod
  4. slash

    Juices mod (v0.0.1)

    Hello forums, this is my first simple mod: "Juices" It lets you squeeze your own juices out of most fruits and some vegatables. With the help of sheets or a pillow as strainer, you can fill empty pop bottles with fruit juices. Current v 0.0.1 contains: Tomato JuiceCarrot JuiceApple JuiceOrange JuiceGrape JuiceMelon JuiceStrawberry JuiceLemon Juice Download and more infos here: https://github.com/voodoocode/juicesmod Your feedback is welcome, here as well as on github. Thanks!
  5. slash


    Toilet paper? Improvise with leaves or some zombies old sweater.
  6. Some of the following would increase realism and also gameplay regarding food. -Living only on Cigarettes should be impossible (currently im smoking 3 per day until my first crops are ready) -rotten food could be piled on a compost heap, to be later used as fertilizer for crops. -in case of starvation (and no food in sight) crop seeds could be edible (maybe consume a whole pack) -fruits could be crafted to juices (maybe squeeze them through a pillow slip?) to satisfy thirst (and hunger) better than water like the soda cans and bottles. Who wouldn't like to drink his home grown tomato juice
  7. A blacksmith should be able to craft nails out of forks and spoons.
  8. slash


    Not a bad idea, if it does have a positive effect and isn't just for killing time. Maybe good hygienie could prevent illness.
  9. Hi, ich bin neu hier. Ich habe bereits für die mobile Games Parallel Kingdom und Parallel Zombies übersetzt. Erstmal Kompliment an die Devs, super Spiel und auch an euch Übersetzer, gute Arbeit. Ich habe ein Anliegen, was die Adjektive angeht, die vor manche Items gesetzt werden, z.B. "Broken". Dummerweise gibts ja im Deutschen das sogenannte "Genus" also sowas wie "der Baseballschläger","die Axt", "das Messer". Damit letztlich nicht sowas rauskommt wie "kaputt Baseballschläger","kaputt Axt" oder "kaputt Messer" schlage ich vor derartige Adjektive mit den Konjugationen zu versehen, also z.B. "kaputte(r/s)". Dabei kommt dann raus "kaputte(r/s) Baseballschläger", kaputte(r/s) Axt und kaputte(r/s) Messer. EDIT: Tooltip_broken = "Kaputte(r/s) ",Tooltip_food_Uncooked = "Rohe(r/s)",Tooltip_food_Rotten = "Verrottete(r/s)",Tooltip_food_Fresh = "Frische(r/s)",Tooltip_food_Cooked = "Gekochte(r/s)",Tooltip_food_Burnt = "Verbrannte(r/s)", Ich weiß, dass das nicht schön aussieht, aber ich denke durch die möglichen Suffixe sieht das kompletter aus, als so völlig ungebeugt. Was haltet ihr davon? Danke, slash
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