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thecrossross's Achievements

  1. what what what! that is the one thing I didnt do. now it works. I am happy now. it is time to rejoice.
  2. Ah it appears you are correct. I am used to using a double barrel and reloading after 2 shots irl.
  3. A box of 24 is pretty reasonable to me. think about it like this-shotguns take 2 shells to fill-25 divided by 2 is 12.5- each box would have 1 extra bullet.
  4. You know zombies hunt with sight, smell, hearing, and temperature. this would not work.
  5. Have you ever gone to Walmart and saw the big isle filled with motion activated toys that spin and whirl, make noise, and make you want to slaughter the makers of the toy? Well I have come up with a way to put them to use. perhaps if the motion sensor were constantly on it would cause quite a ruckus. This could probably be used with other noise making devices like radios, wind chimes, generators, and tape recordings. Batteries may be required.
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