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Everything posted by HomelessMage

  1. Still an issue for a current stable 41.73 and unstable 41.77
  2. I mean that turning zombie population to 0 must disable all the zombies in general, including those in buildings. Following this issue I consider this a bug.
  3. This issue adresses this one directly, any feedback would be appreciated.
  4. As this is mentioned as a "fix", it would be great to have an option to have the zombies not appear at all, without needing to loading chunks.
  5. They are/were. As I've already mentioned - currently there are no ingame options to disable zombies known from the perspective of game server options. Hoping for a hotfix.
  6. This has been almost a week with no reply what so ever. Some people complain about zombies spawn in buildings: It would be totally reasonable to give any info on how to DISABLE zombies AT ALL.
  7. • 41.73 • Multiplayer • Dedicated Ubuntu 20.04 LTS • No. • Still occurs on new save • Reproduction steps: Navigate to SanboxVars and set the following values: PopulationMultiplier = 0.0 PopulationStartMultiplier = 0.0 PopulationPeakMultiplier = 0.0 Start a dedicated server session. Obeserve zeds spawn in houses when approaching them, ignoring the zombie population settings. This behaviour can be observed through server statistics. As I understand all the lots on the map have an unremovable spawn trigger with a chance of spawning zeds when a player approaches one. This at the moment is only avoidable running a bash script loop which deletes zeds in a specified area, but is not reasonable as it lags down the server. while true; do { echo 'removezombies -x X -y Y -z Z -radius R' sleep Ns } done I would be grateful for any info considering this issue and ways to resolve this without loop scripts. UPD: Zeds spawn with a completely black ZombieSpawnMap as well. Currently no ingame way to disable zombies is implemented.
  8. @Beard In case any Russian-speaking server operator strangles here, make sure your `/etc/locale.gen` and `/var/lib/locales/supported.d/local` has an uncommented line: ru_RU.UTF-8 UTF-8 I can confirm this issue to be revolved and this has happened solely due to my incompetence, sorry for wasting your time.
  9. • 41.71 • Multiplayer. • Dedicated (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) • No. • Still occurs on new save. • Reproduction steps: 1. Set any cyrillic symbols in ini file of server in the following fields: ServerWelcomeMessage, PublicName, PublicDescription 2. Launch server. 3. Observe broken symbols encoding: 16-07-22_13-56-41_DebugLog-server.txt Logs.zip
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