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Everything posted by Flachzang

  1. chill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rj0Q9i5kE8
  2. 2/10 for making this thread out of control
  3. I like your fast response! Even before I could edit my post. 10/10
  4. You should start thinking about yourself if everything you build turns into a penis... Anyone using remote tech2?
  5. Anyone knows a good parts mod with cargo bays for .23? Besides b9 because this mod hasn't been updated yet.
  6. I have to hold a presentation about this article tomorrow. Feel free to help me and tell me what it's about And maybe you can learn something, too? http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-08-09/corporate-social-responsibility-distinction-or-distraction Edit: kk, I see. No volunteers around
  7. ..Bann...ed for use.ing th..e In.t..ernet.
  8. He's leaving quite a big mess behind. But hey, who cares? Aliens? Mwaahaa! But Bill and Bob are still in Orbit around Duna in their Science and Refuel Station. Will they be able to make it home alive as well? To be continued... Another Mission: Two manned ships ready to deploy to investigate Jool's moons. They don't land but will gather lots of scientific data and scans from their surface and will fly back to Kerbin on their own atomics! And you better don't ask me how I got a JumboMax-Tank to Jool that carried 2 small ships
  9. Jeb dismounted the cargo boxes from the Storager and landed back on Kerbin. Jebediah Kerbin! Built the SpaceBase on Duna and now posing for fotos:
  10. Ok, phew. My Space-base on Duna is finished, producing fuel. It was hard to land all the devices at the same place without MechJeb. Although Duna's atmosphere isn't dense at all, there still is some. Time for Jeb to go home!
  11. I don't know. What if I told you that I've never seen it before?
  12. Edit: I suggest we begin to rate the video song above you. This would make things more intresting! Like if this edit was a new post from me, I'd give a 10/10 on a scale of 0 - 10 for Soja - Here I Am because it's Soja - Here I Am. Next song:
  13. What if I told you that I've never seen it before?
  14. I think there will definately be a strong push by the internet for saving and processing data. Cloud Computing is relatively new and the internet will be omnipresent some day. But this will probably take a little longer than 20 years. What would be the first thing you'd say to an extraterrestrial being if you were the first person that encounters one?
  15. I think there are rules we all should follow to a certain extent if they're essential to live with each other in peace and stuff and to get things working. Nevertheless, I'd say I'm rather not a conformist. Everyone is individual. "Don't let anyone tell you how to live your life!" Can anybody besides me see the irony in this?
  16. I'm happy because I'm not married. What are you going to do on new year's eve?
  17. Of course it was on christmas eve. It was a delicious tomato soup with almonds. And that although I usually don't like the tomato taste so much. I'd like to become a magician. But if every other magician never tells its tricks, how or from where do I learn them?
  18. Okay, the SpaceTurtle-SpaceBase on Duna is nearly finished. Only the converter is missing. But Jeb is already on his way
  19. I'm gonna be offline one or two days, so I wish you all a pretty merry christmas everyone! yaay!!
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