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Everything posted by lichterloh

  1. I always though that you should be able to wash your stuff (and yourself) with (warm) water only and the use of soap / cleaning agents would just speed up the process. Humanity survived aeons without soap, it just made life easier.
  2. Did some experimenting. There's usually a good correlation between hunger reduction and eating time, except for food with less than 10 hunger reduction: Food Item Hunger Time Mint Candy 2 9s Cherry 3 9s Radish 3 9s Cookie 5 9s Pickles 5 9s Processed Cheese 5 9s Strawberries 5 9s Sunflower Seeds 5 9s Raspberry Shortbread 7 9s Bell Pepper 8 9s Carrot 8 9s Peanuts 8 9s Lemon 10 2s Modjeska 10 2s Tofu 10 2s Yogurt 10 2s Zucchini 10 2s Candy Cane 10 3s Leek 12 3s Tomato 12 3s Corn 14 3s Lettuce 15 3s Waffles 15 4s Banana 17 4s Pancakes 20 5s Pineapple 25 6s SandwichTomatoLettuceHamPickles 36 9s Watermelon 60 15s It's as if the low hunger items are eaten too fast for the animation system so it falls back to a default value?
  3. No, no head wound (sandbox with no zombies). In v40 small food items like Cherry or Radish or Strawberry are basically gone within one or two "chews" of the eating sound effect, the sound effect can't even play out completely before it's interrupted by the swallow sound - it's less than a second. Whereas in v41.14 it takes roughly 10 seconds with a noticeable pause between the chews and the swallow.
  4. I have the raw materials for a few Aerosol Bombs and a few Noise Makers lying on the ground. When I try to craft them all at once either by context menu or the crafting window my character picks up the materials for one product and successfully crafts it but before more materials are being picked up the game throws an exception (red box in button right corner) and interrupts the process. When I have some (tried with abundant Box of Sparklers and Electronic Scrap already in my inventory) or all of the raw mats in my inventory it works fine. console.txt
  5. The way Cooking Pots are filled with water (left in the scrrenshot) and how we eat out of a Cooking Pot (right) appear to be somewhat counter-productive.
  6. It takes a different set of tools to disassemble a Sturdy Bench depending on its orientation. The version that has the front towards the camera requires a hammer, the version that has the back towards the camera requires a hammer and a saw. (The screenshot was taken in the Dentistry in Westpoint)
  7. I had some odd loot in the Food Market in Westpoint: The green Vegetable Baskets contained Nails and the half-hight crates (which cannot be dismantled/picked up) contained Plaster and Concrete Powder.
  8. Some (low hunger) food items take an unreasonable amount of time to eat. Notably it appears to take longer to eat a Cherry, Strawberries or Radishes than a full Can of Beans or a whole Pineapple.
  9. What traits did you pick? Smoker makes you anxious when you don't have a cigarette once in a while. What made you nauseous? If you are sick from zombification you also get anxious as far as I know. So you might be infected even though no zombie injured you, there have been reports from people that had that happen: https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/25989-zombiefied-by-a-bush/
  10. When opening/closing a window using the context menu I cannot interact with it using the context menu immediately after. Clicking on the Climb/Open/Close action does nothing unless I move/turn around a bit. Also, when climbing through a window I don't always end up standing far enough from the window: https://libre.video/videos/watch/8ee20d95-a99e-42e5-91ec-6b04387c4d08
  11. Will there be a way to have PZ Classic and the latest version installed concurrently (on Steam)? And, is this possible with the v40 and IWBUMS right now?
  12. How to reproduce: start/continue a game press Esc, click on OPTIONS click on any of the drop-down menus press Esc – you are back in the game but the drop-down menu is still showing press Esc again – you are back in the options, but the drop-down menu is not showing (I think it is behind the options window now) click on the same drop-down menu as in 3. All drop-down menus in the Game Options are now broken until you quit the current game and reload. Restarting the program is not necessary. version IWBUMS 41.14 Fedora 30 x64, nvidia 450GTS driver 390.129
  13. In the bar "The Drake" in Westpoint the second bar stool from the left is actually three stools at once, even the shadow is darker. I could not test this in v41 yet for lack of a saw, but in v40 the stools could in fact be disassembled three times.
  14. The Iso Cursor is effectively invisible on surfaces with noisy (like grass) or bright textures (many walls). It's there, but often times not noticeable enough to function as an indicator.
  15. Dropping items that are inside a container equipped by the player, neither by using the Drop button in the Category column nor the right-click menu drop the items to the ground. Instead they are just unpacked into the main inventory.
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