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Everything posted by oOXAEROOo

  1. ah, ok. i misunderstood ^^. The mod original is from Spyder638 and the most of the script here is copy/past, but i have no idea if spyder is reachable for questions like that. i was hoping someone read this and can help me out. thank you for trying .
  2. what kind of error? i tested the mod and it works yesterday (except a few items, but i know why they not spawning) im looking forward to make a german version, i can try giving you a hand an helping find that creepy bugs
  3. i know, the function is above that code in every .lua. For some reason it change it.. if you rename the item name it wont work.. if u replace it wit an other it takes the other item (as long it match with an existing item).
  4. Yeah, would be nice to have a group to work together since it would certainly get things done faster. Right! and think about it. Project zomboid is at the beginning! a lot of items will be added, maybe the switch to OpenGL, NPCS ... stuff, stuff, stuff ... how should 2 people handle that? the worst case is you not longer interested in modding and the mod will just die (getting a Girlfreind or get superhero powers *gg*).
  5. Zspawn is the way to go at this point if you're looking for those items although I'm sure Milk will provide TooManyItems with that stuff soon as he updates the mod. ExcentriCreation and I hope to get the new item spawner working for the steam builds soon but a unexpected error occurred when PZ updated so EcentriCreation will see to fixing that so we can release it as time rolls by. TooManyItems is looking ok, its coming along pretty well and I hope to see some improvements instead of being the same window Zspawn provides but all in all looking good Milk. that don´t mean the mod isn´t good... but i like modding more then the mod itself,.. i only us it to test if it works. it would ruin the game for me using it for playing so its not so bad for me if items ar missing. but that's not the point. Its just hard for me t understand why creating a mod the does the same thing instead of talking together and make one big mod. because that would mean 4 or 6 people work at one mod and can help each other. Bu i think that´s just in my perfect ponnyworld imagination ^^.
  6. Heya, i´m trying to understand the in game menu (Like in Zspawn) and change the Description from the items (for creating a german version) That´s just the button without the functions. self:CreateItemButton(0, 0, "Torch"); 0, 0 is the Button Location and "Torch" is the Item to get AND the Button description. I tried a few things to change that, but most ended in wired codes for just one button change. Can anyone help me out with that and who thinks its a good idea to take the images of the Item and no Text?
  7. Try the Zspawn mod, i don´t know why modder create the same mod instead of helping each other and make one awesome mod. What ever, in Zspawn there is nails, food, pills etc.
  8. Was haltet ihr davon wenn man UI_btn_next = "VOR", auf "Weiter" ändert? Ich weis nicht warum es mich nervt, habs schon vor einiger zeit bei mir selbst geändert. Ist glaube ich auch Standard bei Menüs. ^^
  9. You have no Zomboid folder in your User folder ?.. what Operating System and Language do you use?
  10. Ok, thats the Problem.. you have to put it in c:\users\yourusername\zomboid\mod not in the steam folder. just unzip it to that location.
  11. Plz copy the whole path in here where you put the mod in. And just to clarify, you download the mod and UNZIP everything into the mod folder?
  12. i think the mod wont work for german keyboards because the ~ key. so, here is a fast way to fix that (pardon my english, but I'm sure you know what i mean). go to: \Users\YOURUSERNAME\Zomboid\mods\Zspawn (0.3.2)\media\lua open: ZSpawnWindow.lua (open with texteditor) you find at the bottom (or press ctrl+f and search for if key): function zSKeyListener(key) if key == 41 then if not zWin:getIsVisible() then zWin:setVisible(true); else zWin:setVisible(false); simply change 41 to 13 and save. The new Key to open the window in the game is + (between "ü" and Enter). have fun xaero
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