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Posts posted by darknano

  1. 7772987f25e1dab439ab0fe8608ca085.png

    Introducing the Storyteller Update!

    Players and Explorers can now find 10 unique stories around the world. Each story has up to 30 parts, engaging and thought out characters, and side quests with resourceful rewards

    Experience what it was like in the first few moments of the Event, detailing how the residents of this small town in Kentucky battled with the sudden infection which ravaged the whole nation.





  2. ff_copy.png


    Introducing the Trinity Update!

    The Trinity Update adds three new characters for players to interact with. These three new characters, Mia, Garrett, and Vance are event givers. Every week, each character will provide a detailed event which players can respond to and participate in game. Players can chose to go down the path of a Raider, a Survivalist, or a Caravanier. By completing these tasks either by yourself or with a team, you can obtain a renown coin, which you can trade in for specific items.


    Mia, The Raider


    Mia used to work for a game design company way back before. After the death of her fiance and mother, her ideology of the world changed drastically. She saw what people were capable of, what they could do to get what they want and how they struggled to claw and grasp at the concept of power. She decided that if she had all the power, there wouldn't be any more fighting. Mia is a Raider Class Event giver, and will give Raider-based events.


    Garrett, the Survivalist


    Garrett was a busser at a restaurant in smalltown Bedford. After watching the city go to hell, and the National Guard fail to save his mother, he decided he would keep living for her sake. Garrett has fought through hell and back, and does not intend to back down now. He knows of the hardships of this world, and knows that one more infected dead is one more redemption for the death of his mother. Garrett is a Survivalist Event giver, and will give Survivalist-based Events.


    Vance, the Trader


    Vance was a stock trader before the Event. He watched his trades drop and the world fall apart. Stuck in New York City by a military-imposed quarantine zone, he managed to escape by blowing open Lincoln Tunnel and escaping barely with his life, killing innocents in the way. Stuck with guilt, he nearly killed himself if it wasn't for his partner, Tracy, who showed him the ways of Caravans. There, he could redo what he's done bad by helping others, even if it was for something in return, using the expertise he gained from before. Vance is a Caravan-based Event Giver, and will give Caravan-based events.


  3. 7d94bc2d1c600322d41906ce231c18e9.png

    By the creators of Project Morbus 2017.


    PORT: 56361





    From the creators of Project Morbus Role-play 2017, we welcome you to the Frontier! Frontier is a role-play based off a living, breathing world which players can experience in its full glory. Experience factions fighting over their own separate ideologies, hordes of infected coming for you, and a balanced class system which provides a sense of teamwork and creativity to those joining.

    Not only that, but Frontier is completely application-free. Anyone can join at any time, from anywhere! Frontier's goal is to open the ideas of role-play to those interested, and allow them to grow and prosper their creativity in ways never before thought possible. 


    Frontier introduces a new, rudimentary system based off classes! There is zero skill progression, and players are forced to work together using a series of 22 specialized classes to improve their settlements and help one another survive! Each class provides specific strength and fitness boosts, separate and unique kits, as well as known skill sets, such as high-level Carpentry skill for the Carpentry class.

    Every class has been compared and balanced accordingly to one another, so no class is more powerful than the other. This allows for different specializations depending on your character, and requires team work in order to survive completely.


    Frontier, utilizing its aforementioned class system, includes a balanced PvP to Project Zomboid. Honing in on the skills for firearms, we've found a suitable balance which draws a clear line between accurate and inaccurate. This means that players will have to be much more tactical with their movements and decisions when it comes to fighting another player! Furthermore, it adds onto the teamwork availability. More people means better odds!


    Events in Frontier will never punish the player for participating. Players who participate in events will almost always gain, and never lose anything. The event organizers of Frontier will make sure that players will always be entertained, and gain from spending time to participate. Alongside those attributes, Frontier Events are always filled with story and lore. Every character has a backstory, and can be delved into via journals, caches, and left-behind items. Some events may even include characters, such as roaming caravans, with the absolute option to raid them if one so pleases.


    Frontier presents to you a completely original back story, introducing incredible elements such as caravans, factions with individual struggles, and a believable turn of events. Players can discover this lore by wandering the wastelands, finding journals and people along the way to show them the story of the lands. Every area has new things to discover, with remnants of unique people who used to roam there so long ago.

    Frontier takes place five years after the Event, in which a venerable, yet mysterious disease rendered civilization crippled after just four weeks. With little supplies, you are a survivor on the Frontier, a massive unexplored section of the central United States.





  4. We've tested out the sprinters with both close-proximity testers (US-based) and far-proximity (Australian and European). They do have a small problem with teleporting but so far aren't that big of an issue. The zombie count is low (lower than the default low actually) but have been configured so they're still a threat. Come join us! We're almost set.



  5. P R O J E C T   M O R B U S


    Port: 56261

    An original role-play idea.





    Project Morbus is an idea orchestrated by a small team of Project Zomboid enthusiasts that aim to provide a realistic, yet cinematic and emotional role-play experience to Project Zomboid role-players. We've hand-crafted an original lore, along with journal mysteries, side-stories, and many quests that we hope you will enjoy and that it will further your immersion into the world we hope to build.  We're hoping to release the server in full-force sometime in the next month or two. But, in order to do that - we need support from anyone who's interested!


    What we're looking for:

    Any personnel who are experienced with literature (preferably English, although multi-lingual pieces would be cool) is always welcome! We're also looking for staff to help us run, such as Moderators and Event Hosts. Server costs have been covered, although if you're willing to contribute we can always take donors!




    Server Link

    Discord Help Center

    WEBSITE (Apply here):








    The world is unpredictable. It loves to project seemingly meaningless atrocities in order to provide complexity to our lives, though we strive for simplicity.

    It is human nature to strive for simplicity. And, it was simple for a while. It was simple because all we had to do was look at our watches for the next train, or bounce a ball up and down for our leisure.

    The world was simple.

    But, of course, the world doesn’t run on simplicity. No matter how hard we try, it will always keep a warm bucket of hardship and despair behind its back like a mischievous child. It’ll place it just above a doorway and wait for you to step through into the darkness that is to come. And that’s exactly what happened that day… The day the bucket turned over and dropped its shit onto humanity.


    We were alone in a world of madness.


    The Event was prominent on plenty of radios, televisions, and computers. We waited. We waited until it came to ravage our town and turn our own neighbors against us like senseless apes. We waited until the stores burned, and the people perished; until we were all alone.

    The streets were empty now, nearly two months in. We’d seen it for a while now, but thought perhaps it was a survivor we hadn’t met. The second floor of an apartment - it had glown each and every night. Eventually, one of us decided to enter, and found a small booklet with a pressed title in gold. It said “MORBUS.”

    The owner was nowhere to be found. After retrieving the book, we scurried back to our encampment and the lights in the second floor ceased to function, as if they were never there at all. Though, none of us dared to search through the contents of the journal. It remained closed, and forgotten by us. How foolish of us…  Eventually, we were thrown out of the aforementioned encampment by a pack of those things, and so, the book was forever lost with the infected.

    It was right around then when a poor squad left our newly formed safe-zone to retrieve it, from the depths of the abandoned neighborhoods of West Point. They, of course,  never returned. A second team was sent to investigate, only to find their bare, decaying bones, and not even their gear left to salvage. There was no book in sight. Rumors escalated to conspiracy theories. Perhaps the book included a cure, or a way out of all this. But we’ll never really know for sure, now, will we?



    The days go by. It’s almost endless, but we’re secured within Fort Trenton-Benley. The military built the place up after Fort Knox fell. Now most of the us who’ve survived that disgusting phenomena reside here.

    And those of you that join us?




    The world is ravaged by a worldwide virus that seemed to spread by rats. With most local government institutions abandoned, the people of Knox County are left in the dark - until one day a group finds a book called MORBUS. Marveled by its seeming ability to glow, they are puzzled and end up losing the book to a horde of Infected. The rest hide in a Quarantine Zone, known as Trenton-Benley. What will come of the book? What did it have in it? 

    One day, it will be discovered.



    Any questions? Post them here, ask in the discord, or contact me personally @darknano #0521.

    Hope you like it!

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