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Everything posted by Krigol

  1. This is currently my Safehouse on 8 months after the Apcolypse game mode(changed no setting so it's currently winter ) atleast it's safe :3
  2. Just a little idea that popped in my head but everytime we eat canned goods we get to keep the cans, so we can then use some string/rope/twine to make some dangling cans we can put around our perimeter so if a zombie gets too close it will hit the cans and then we can atleast know our perimeter is breached, just an idea!
  3. That's fine, just thought it might of helped in the long run! Thanks for the reply!
  4. Okay, so I know the NPCs are currently being worked on and I know they will be buggy as hell at the moment but I'd like a box on Sandbox mode which I can tick to use the NPCs in there current form. People may agree and disagree with this but I'm sure it would help a lot on the progress and then we can also see the current state of the NPCs, just a thought!
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