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Posts posted by artimaes

  1. I was wondering, and to be honest what I am about to suggest is what I expected to find ingame and I was actually surprised this was not implemented or in the planned features as a "coming soon" sort of thing because of the scarcity of the water resource after water shuts off.


    TL;DR= Fill water containers at water tiles(river and lake) adjacent to shores and docks.  Ideally at some point make it so it has to be boiled for consumption or cooking but can be used straight for farming.  


    I was thinking about where I want to set up my survival home, and my friend wanted to set up in the woods at a house nearish to the city but far enough out to have few zombies wander in, but I told him the water will shut off and we won't be able to drink and farm and cook if we have no water source.  There weren't any wells that were less than an absurdly long walk from civilization(venturing into town to loot is super fun), and he suggested rain barrels but my reasoning was that those might be alright at first and in some seasons, but they will run out quickly during the seasons when it doesn't rain a lot and in winter they will probably freeze or at least not fill up with the snowfall.  So I suggested what we really need to do is set up base on a river or lake, so we can use buckets and kettles and stuff to get water from the river, use it straight out of the river for farming and I said we will probably have to boil it to have it safe for drinking and cooking but we can set up at a location with a stove or we can just set up a fire for that.  I thought for sure that was the intended method of getting water for long term survival...I was outvoted by my brother and friend who wanted to set up away from the water and so I just now got around to taking some resources out to a dock that's just far enough away from the town to be safe-ish but close enough for raiding excursions to be launched from it.  I brought everything I would need, I thought, because I would be getting my water from the river, some food from the river, and I'd be able to boil water and cook on a campfire inside the walls I build there.  To my great surprise, I found that I could not fill up water containers in the river.  I have no water source, despite being right next to a river, and have to build a ton of rain barrels(they don't give much water so for farming in addition to drinking and cooking I need a lot of them).

         Even without the relatively advanced system of having potable and non-potable water and having to boil river water(or potentially adding water bottles with the filters in them) to make it potable, could we please at least get the river water to have the option added like a sink does to fill water bottles and possible drink?  

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