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Everything posted by CromulentArcher

  1. Super excited that Build 33 is here. I found a bug. The Valutech Radio. When you pick it up it weighs 3.0. If you move it into a bag it starts weighing 10.0 and will continue to weigh 10.0 until you drop it and pick it back up again. Thanks for all the hard work!
  2. So far I'm enjoying the extra challenge of the new spawn system but I have an issue with it. I feel like the zombies are too quick to fill empty space. I was working with a cleared out mobile home park and within 12 hours of having cleared it there was a sudden influx of zombies into the space from all directions. I don't mind dealing with hordes, and I enjoy the hard fight to clear out a section of the map, but the zombies are filling the empty space too fast. It doesn't feel particular real to me, just feels like the game decided, "8am, time to move the zombies into the empty space." When I read about the new spawn system I had had the thought that it would require you to patrol your territory everyday, because they said it'll only spawn zombies if the chunk hasn't be visited in the last 24 hours. I loved this idea, but it isn't working out that way because the system that pulls zombies from populated areas into underpopulated areas seems to be too strong. I like the idea of zombies moving around more, migrating from place to place, but the current system makes it virtually impossible to secure a section of the map. Not sure how feasible this is but I think a better system for zombie migration could be to make meta noises stronger, more common, and longer reaching. By this I mean the sound of a gun shot has a much longer range of effect on the zombies and once they start heading in the direction of it they move that way longer before giving up and going back to milling about. With this idea you could still mostly secure an area but a sudden gun shot or helicopter could still ruin your day, bringing a horde down on your head. All that being said I am enjoying the new build.
  3. I cobbled together a few examples of the slow running from the videos I did last week, I hope this helps:
  4. From the exhaustion moodle probably? It could be but I don't think so. It seems to come and go randomly, I feel like if it was because of the moodle it wouldn't fluctuate so much, but I could be wrong.
  5. I'm having a problem with the branch that I've been calling molasses running. Ever so often my character will suddenly start moving as if he's slowed or encumbered when he isn't. It hangs around for a little bit then goes back to normal. Is anyone else having a similar issue?
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