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Everything posted by Unexacr

  1. Having that first sip of bleach, accidently....
  2. I've read a topic about people wanting disasters, and personally i only see forest fires really make the most of sense as the means to fight such a thing are not there any more. And about the abundance of the fires, i don't mean huge fires, or a lot of fires, just a random % chance when you got like 7 days of dry hot weather. It should not destroy half the city by any means but it would be a nice encounter when there's a fire near your safehouse and alot of zombies attracted to it, could mean a wrong move and you got them all in your backyard. Fires rarely cross roads but can leave a mark, maybe burn a house or two whenever it happens.. give the fire a spread chance to the next square and let it diminish slowly as it get's further.
  3. Because we do try to simulate a zombie apocalypse with all of the consequences and situations that might happen if there are no hands out there to supply us with the demand for safety or production for society, it's at least reasonable if some sort of event caused by weather might have a major impact as well. We have rain that falls every now and then, sometimes too much that causes us to get sick and we feel the effects the weather has on us... but what if we get a very long heatwave in mid summer.. where trees get so dry it only takes a wrong look at a branch to catch fire! A fire could spread to nearby town or your nearby house! It happens in real life that some fires can't be contained with over a dozen of firefighting forces... what if we had such fire and it spreads to town... the sounds of breaking trees and the sight of light in the dark would pull all of the zombies together and form that oh so wanted herd, adding two dangers in 1 situation. Dry Grass Burns Dry Trees Burn Houses Burn, and zombies are there to sing cumbaja together-a-mass around that huge fire you try to flee!
  4. Beforehand, a zombie is dead.. his braincells have perished, all he has left is a short memory and "not" the brains to use a weapon, tool or any other object usuable as some sort of weapon. So!, we probably all do agree a zombie was a human, or lorewise they were us before, so it would make alot of sense that the zombies that are around do carry in their hands whatever they were carrying or carried through fixed memory in life, just not the knowledge to use it. A zombie carrying a hammer or a knife because he defended himself with it in life looks pretty okay to me, maybe even a small chance he might actually cut you with it by stupidity and ofcourse the animition of a zombie carrying the weapon/tool the "wrong" way would add some more reality to the game. If a person dies the muscles will freeze, and so will the hands holding an object. That's just my 2 cents about it, Cheers.
  5. Step 1: Whenever the newsreports or radio or whatever i don't watch or listen to tells us there's an outbreak of something unknown i know it's time to pick up arms! By that i mean pick up my 2 decorative axes hanging on my wall that i've happily sharpened 2 years ago after i imported them from poland. I will try to figure out who and what happens around me or around town, my town spans over about a 12 miles radius with 160.000 inhabitants, so if it strikes i will know soon enough. If hell breaks loose, and ofcourse it will... i will pick up my sports bag and shoulder bag and fill it with whatever i might need in the short run, silverware for extra weapons, food, a few bottles of water and ofcourse SOCKS. With preperations made, the long awaited revolution didn't come but i guess this kind of fun will happily satisfy my needs for the needed aggression build up from my previous bosses. Step 2: Go around town find people who are willing to fight alongside you, pick up weapons and form our own little town somewhere nearby and shut it off from unwanted people or "things". I would tell everyone in my company to prepare for a few months of food stockpiles and the knowledge to survive in different situations. People will be needed to distill water in the long run, hunt and track, grow crops and herd animals, fiddle with electronics, craft weapons or smith medieval weaponry and armour just to protect from biting and scratching, Step3: The world has gone to hell, We will raid buildings for materials usefull in the long run, fuel, food, clothes, metal- basically everything our previous lives had, and taken for granted. Barricade a large section of town, near the woods with people standing guard, let our numbers grow and monitor the growth and flow of our supplies. Rebuild society in the best possible way and form alliances with surrounding settlements.
  6. Only 5 minutes for me! With other zombie survival games just trying too hard in first person view..., just no....
  7. There is no best place to fortify in this game, is my opinion. wherever you got a lot of space, easy to block off and within range of the majority of town would be my best bet, this could be any random house in the middle of town..., but that's just my playstyle.
  8. Within my fortress i've lived for weeks, grew crops... GOT BORED!! and opened the doors for some action, randomly shot in every direction to get them to me and have some fun in my courtyard. So, i had a great time!, ran up the stairs because there were just too many for such a small area... Fought my way up to the 2nd floor.... ran into the corner and... ....and clicked the wrong window in my haste! I know indeed!
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