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Everything posted by SlightlyMadman

  1. BTW this is related to my previous report: The fix in 41.53 that did solve that issue with NPCs being unable to damage zombies worked, but it seems like the same problem is still in place with NPCs (IsoPlayers) damaging each other, as well as being able to run. If whatever was done to fix the above issue in .53 could be implemented in the above methods Sardes mentioned, it would fix a lot of the remaining problems.
  2. As an experiment, I tried manually calling IsoGameCharacter:Hit() in my NPC attack method. As far as I can tell, this does seem to work, although I'm sure there are some serious side effects like there being no possibility of them ever missing.
  3. Correction to the above: I was mistaken about Events.OnWeaponHitCharacter. A key difference betwee 41.50 and 41.52 is that the OnWeaponHitCharacter event is *not* firing when an NPC attacks a zombie. It does however fire when the player attacks an NPC, but they still aren't taking any damage.
  4. I haven't figured out anything useful yet, but if it helps, when an NPC attacks, the following events seem to be working fine: Events.OnWeaponHitCharacter Events.OnWeaponSwingHitPoint Events.OnPlayerAttackFinished Hook.Attack Events.OnWeaponSwing The events fire normally, there is even blood splatter after some attacks, but nobody ever takes damage. This applies to both attacks initiated by NPCs as well as attacks done to them.
  5. I know mods can't be officially supported by TIS, but I would greatly appreciate any insight the devs could havefer about why NPC mods are broken and any pointers on how I might go about fixing them. The specific major bug is that NPCs (who are IsoPlayer objects controlled by scripts) no longer do any damage to zombies when attacking, although zombies can still attack and damage them. My guess is that some event or trigger may have been disconnected and needs to be manually fired?
  6. I could see this making a good mod. The way I'd approach it is to just have a hygeine meter that goes up with exertion and down whenever you are nearby functioning facilities (bathroom, outhouse, etc.). Basically this would mean that if you set things up right, you never have to worry about it. It would only be an issue on supply runs and the like where you could potentially get pretty rank if you spend a few days out scavenging.
  7. If I found myself in a situation where night raids were an issue, I'd only take quick naps unless I had friends who could sleep in shifts, so I don't see how that's unrealistic. Really though, being offline is the closest simulation of long-term sleep there is.
  8. Napping is definitely the solution. It's entirely possible to exist on 15-20 minute every few hours and no other sleep. In a horrible situation like the one in-game, this would probably be a smart way to exist. Google "polyphasic sleeping."
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