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Everything posted by Lumia

  1. Oh, I really thought it was intentional ! Most games are permissive with this function... Concerning PZ, I think that could be interesting if we want close a door, we must be near it, with the risk that zombies see us !
  2. Hi everybody ! A quick suggestion, but I would really like if the character could close or open objects only if he is near them. I find it weird that we can close a door or a window while it is one or two meters away from us. For example, if a zombie climbs over a window, it would be more dangerous for us to come near and close the window, as it does now when we use telekinesis to close it ! What do you think ? It's a detail but still !
  3. Yep, except items like a knife or more rarely a gun, I always found weird to wear clothes taken off zombies...
  4. I approve this idea !! It's an interesting alternative to mini-map in a corner, which is less realistic.
  5. Thank you, sfy ! I just saw the topic "How To Write A Good Suggestion"... I have got it all wrong : the title, and a list of ideas...
  6. Hi everybody ! Here some ideas for this game ! I didn't play many times (just a few hours) but who knows, maybe you will like some of them ! (Forgive my bad english, please !) Concerning sounds (I know that it's not the priority now) : - Add sounds of footsteps, depending on the ground, like mudd, herbs, floors, road, etc... - Add noise for tree's branches in the forest. - Some animals sounds during night, like owls, wolfs, etc... - Why not some flies sounds around dead corpses ? Concerning weather / time : - Why not beginning the game with no time indications. The player will have to find a watch (in a house or on a corpse) to know what time it is. - The rain is great, but a downpour will be awesome. Low visibility and stressful situation = success ! I remember the Left 4 Dead 2's compaign named Hard Rain... it was awesome ! - It will be nice if the ambiant light during sunset was more... red, or orange. Like the famous "golden hours" for photographers ! - During rain, walking in the sand (now changed into mudd) would slow down the player. It will add more stress during trips under this weather. Concerning environment : - I'm not an expert, but is it possible to add some models and details in game ? Like bushs, trees, rocks, footpath in forests, lakes, clothes, hats, computers, librairy, carpets, pools in garden... - Some streets are very weird in their disposition. There are no delimitations between properties and adding fences or hedges will be more realistic in my opinion ! - A realistic forest with bigger trees, bushs, rocks, glades, etc... will be awesome. Espacially that survivors camps and bonfires will be mostly in forests ! Concerning items : - I find the capacity's bag very very overdone ! Water bottles, baseball bat, shotgun, pillows, ammos, meal try, salads, tins, clothes... Even an Eastpack can't contain that much! Once again, it will be more realistic and stressful if bags could contain just some items, not a supermarket ! - Now that multiplayer mode is available, is it possible to push heavy objects with one or two other players ? Like a couch or other stuff. - Many food can be find in frigdes, especially fresh food. It would be nice if a fresh food, out of the fridge too long, became unhealthy, or dangerous. I dare you to eat a chicken out of fridge for one or two weeks... Maybe a color can be add in food's name which can symbolised the rotten's level ! No more waste with fresh food found in the fridge ! And it may be more difficult with time, because when power is turned off, food will rot, and it becomes a challenge to find eatable food ! Concerning game's mechanics : - I saw that many animations will be added soon, but will we be able to take over (or hide behind something) ? Here you go !! Finished ! Tell me what do you think !
  7. Hello everybody ! I'm not english but I will try to do my best to be understood... first of all, thank you for this update !! I really love 3D models, but I just wanted to know if you will improve environment's textures (like trees, roads, walls, etc...). Into the forest, I noticed that the 3D character is... a little weird among all those 2D trees. Anyway, it's just a detail !
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