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Everything posted by Haoksihriano

  1. I thought this suggestion was going to be about *having* portable gaming inside PZ as a way to reduce boredom or something.. haha.
  2. My suggested mode: Military Rescue Two teams of players! Team Survivors starts in a well-stocked safehouse with a large (but distant) horde converging on them. Team Military starts on the edge of town (Maybe setting out from a checkpoint on the highway) and is armed to the teeth with weapons. The goal: Team Military must reach the Team survivors and extract them to Team Military's starting checkpoint. The survivor's role is to lead the military team to their (randomized) location while fending off increasing waves of zombies (similar to last stand). The military's role is to fight/sneak their way to the survivors and then fight their way out to safety.
  3. I like Kaijin's idea best, do it dynamically! Start the map with nothing but npcs and a single "patient zero" (or a small group).
  4. It'd be crazy if there was some way to tie in VOIP with making noise in the game. The text chat does have a certain charm to it though. VOIP in games still has a somewhat RP-immersion breaking power.
  5. pretty good idea, more visual cues like this will enrich the game
  6. They should probably just start referring to the RMB as the primary button for it. I too thought ctrl sounded like a pain, and was hugely relieved when I discovered RMB did the same thing.
  7. I think it would be great if we had the option to sit our characters down somewhere! Without delving into the added complexity of context-sensitive seating, a simple option to sit on the floor would be a nice touch for RP and general gameplay. I view this as a viable solution to the Sleep problem in multiplayer and a potential replacement for the current sleep system overall, as it allows one unified mechanic across singleplayer and multiplayer. So, here's how I think it should work: /sit (or a keybind) Your character sits down on the floor. (bonus points for a random pose each time!) -Vision is locked to the direction faced when seated. (bonus points if the implementation lets us sweep a 270ish degree arc) -Provides an extremely slight boost to healing -OPTIONAL:Begins to accumulate boredom over protracted periods (negated in the presence of others) -Any input from the movement keys stands you up instantly Next up, /rest! /rest (or a keybind) Your character lays down/nods off/passes out on the floor (bonus points for a random pose each time) -Vision is cut down to the perception circle (That very small area that extends around the character, I think it represents hearing?) -Provides a low boost to healing. Amplified if the "Fed" moodle is in effect. -OPTIONAL: Incurs a random adjustment to happiness (good dreams and bad dreams!) -Any input from the movement keys stands you up, but with a short animation delay. -Loud noises(gunfire, windows smashing, alarms) wake the character and inflict the "slight panic" moodle How does this fit into the current gameplay? Mostly, there are three parts: Part one is dealing with illness or injury(*not* infection). Right now, when we get sick/hurt the only option is to eat a lot of food and try to outlast the cold. Currently we have to do it standing up or by sleeping in a bed/on furniture (Singleplayer only) in a process that takes us out of the game (blackout screen with fast-forwarded time). The Queasy moodle tells us to "Take it easy" and these functions would let us do just that, and in a way that keeps us in the game and could work both in singleplayer and multiplayer. Part two is the roleplay factor Right now, our characters are always on their feet, weapon held comfortably in front of our waists, these functions would allow some visual variety in groups and bump up the immersion a fair bit for a relatively small change. We'd be able to sit down around a campfire and chat our worries away, or rotate watches while others in our group recover. It gives us just a smidge more control over our characters and further grounds them in the world. It makes them seem more human. Part three is the effect on the metagame Particularly in the multiplayer environment, this addition would also communicate how aware/vigilant players were. For example, if we see a zombie shambling up behind a standing player, we do not know if they necessarily need assistance, as they may just turn and whack it. If we see our friend sitting down/resting with a zombie creeping up on them, we know immediately that we need to act. On the flip side, those with contentious relationships with their fellow humans also are affected. Sneaking by people becomes much more plausible when you can read their body language! Anyways, those are the highlights of the suggestion. On the grand scheme of things, I think this could be implemented in a pretty straightforward way. It could be done with minimalistic animation, or with some added visual variety, and it plays nice with existing and potential future systems (longer term fatigue, perhaps).
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