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Everything posted by harshbarj

  1. I would suggest that books are able to be read again, at a lower benefit each time. Much as in real life, people will read books they like again and again, though likely never really capturing the original effect the book had. They could even add a time based system that the longer you go without reading the book again, the more the books stats regenerate. Again, much like in real life.
  2. Cars would be overpowered IMHO. Too fast, likely too much carrying capacity, and makes the player relatively safe. If added, there would need to be serious consequences, like attracting every zed for blocks around. Make it so bad, players have to park outside of town and leg it into town, or face a near overwhelming horde. I'm a fan of bicycles. Slower, limited carrying capacity, and low noise. Also, no gas, so you just need to keep a supply of food on you. Too keep it from being too overpowered there would need to be some negatives, like getting hungry or thirsty faster.
  3. I'd like to see bicycles added. The bicycle is the perfect zombie apocalypse vehicle. You could attach Duffel bags to act as panniers. It would be quieter than a car and not need fuel, but be slower and able to carry less. Perhaps it would make you get hungry or thirsty faster, perhaps even tire faster. It too could require maintenance and perhaps use the same Mechanic profession. Perhaps make it so as it wears, it gets louder and gives a greater chance of attracting nearby zombies. just an idea as cars seem to get all the attention and bicycle seem to never get mentioned.
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