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Everything posted by Nero

  1. just saw the tower, you always go over the top when building haha, btw alice when do you think v2 will be added to eu?
  2. Nero


    yes very fun server, sassa and i traveled from westpoint to "farm to the west" to mcoys to southern muld, insane amount of zombies.. haha good times
  3. http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/7476-europe-online-24x7x365-rp-hardcore-dont-cry-survive-public/ this is pretty good i found
  4. that sounds more like a nightmare :S haha
  5. Nero: 1 Cult: 0 Meidan: 7 Cult: 0
  6. Nero


    haha what wuss
  7. Nero


    gonna try this looks good
  8. what i do lussian is gather a bunch of zeds and lure them away, so much easier with the athletic skill and take them to trees. sprint away and they lost forever haha , if you want to team up give me a msg ingame
  9. hey mate, i think we need a reset on zombies...i don't see as much anymore haha...not sure about food though...i got a lot
  10. but i drink out of the toilet....lol
  11. #bump hey im getting a "timeout downloading zip" and very long load times, im in but for some reason its taking longer today :S nero
  12. My thoughts exactly, there are already a lot of white-listed pvp/pve role play servers out. There should be more options available for the player. Make the experience believable In DayZ I have played as a bandit, handcuffed people and looted what i needed, once I was done I let them go free, are bandits always going to play as nice as me? probably not, but its always nice to have that option. This could always work the other way round, by capturing bandits. This simply adds a different dimension to the game, better hero/villain role-play. I'm up for this, great suggestion +1
  13. wow, crazy server man, had loads of fun with stefan, morganeous, jonny, doublebrain, meidan, tweeks, nesker and toast, even the admin paid us a visit haha pyromaniac, some crazy hermits, bandits, plenty of zeds, great times!
  14. Hey guys, I cant seem to find anything about this in search, not sure if this is covered or not I think it would be great to have a push to talk button in local areas of the map near the player. This seems more convenient than typing. Its quick and you can quickly identify friend from foe, plus if you want to rob somebody you can hold them up, makes it more believable 1on1 confrontation Ive been inspired from some Role play DayZ haha. Its a great alternative to other programs like skype etc
  15. pretty fun map, was planning on moving into the rich fenced up house, (maybe the mayors house) and creating a base if anyone's interested, im in bedford location
  16. well i don't see why not, i like this, this could make some interesting conversations when npc do finally come lol npc: whats that smell? player: not me...., its the zombie...
  17. i wouldn't worry about it too much, and i know its already in the past, but keep adding those suggestions, it seems to me your really enthusiastic about this game and so am I, hey i got shut down pretty hard when making my 1st few suggestions, like "your an advanced member, you should know this" haha. What im getting at is just keep at it
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