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How Do I Add My Own Tooltip


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I'm working on a mod and have the item pretty much functional. The only part that I cannot figure out is how to add my own tooltip.  My item is currently displaying the Vitamin tooltip.



I would like to change "Provides a burst of energy when taken. Reduces fatigue." to something else. I would also like to know how to have this item display  "Hunger: +10" in red like some other items do. 

I found the ToolTip text file at D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\lua\shared\Translate\EN\ToolTip_EN.txt but surely I don't go edit that file to accomplish this.

Any advice or guidance is appreciated.



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An example from a mod I made.

Item definition:

	item HowToUseGenerators
		DisplayCategory = SkillBook,
		Weight = 0.1,
		Type = Normal,
		DisplayName = How to Use Generators,
		Icon = MagazineElectronics02,
		StaticModel = Magazine,
		WorldStaticModel = MagazineElec4Ground,
		Tooltip = Tooltip_TooComplicated,



Tooltip_EN = {
	Tooltip_TooComplicated = "This is too complicated for me, I don't understand what any of this means."

The above file should be created within your mod - so you don't need to touch the vanilla file.


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Thanks so much. I've been trying to figure this out since then and was getting close. I had literally just figured out how to use the \media\lua\shared\Translae\EN folder to setup a custom context menu.

Much appreciated. I still can't figure out how to make it say "+10 Thirst " in red but I imagine has to do with the fact that the item type is medical. I happy with it like this because at least the description mentions it.


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