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Sound: More zombie death sounds.


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Right now it's a little repetitive to wipe an entire horde and hear the same squelchy explosion of blood and guts play over and over. It's satisfying, but it would be cool to have other satisfying noises to vibe and slaughter to.


It's understandable that the devs want zombie's deaths to be readable, but it would  be nice to have a wider variety in the noises they make when they die.  Ranging from simple thuds when they smack onto the ground to various different types of 'squelch' and cracking noises comparable to the one we have now. These could be applied to player deaths as well, allowing for more contextual sounds based on the method of death instead of your brain exploding when you starve to death.

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I think for player deaths it would be a very good idea for different sound effects.

Would be cool to see a different death animations when you die too, like how there is an animation when you die from the virus without being eaten alive. Maybe your character falling over when they bleed-out or starve.

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