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Adding a tab to the info panel window


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I've been looking for a good way to add a new tab to the info panel window that has the character info, skills, health, protection, and temperature panel tabs. I came up with a solution, but I'm not entirely satisfied with it. I did some searching on the forums and I didn't see a solution. Sorry if I missed it.


I tried the following and it works for the most part except when you take over player 1 with a controller. The game recreates their info panel window and the new one won't have the new tab. Otherwise, starting a new character with either keyboard or controller will work.

local function createTestPanel(playerNum)
    local infoPanel = getPlayerInfoPanel(playerNum)
    if not infoPanel then return end

    infoPanel.testView = ISTestPanel:new(getSpecificPlayer(playerNum), 0, 8, infoPanel.width, infoPanel.height - 8)
    infoPanel.testView.infoText = "Test"
    infoPanel.panel:addView("Test", infoPanel.testView)

local function createTestJoypadPanel()
    local playerNum = 0
    local joypadData = JoypadState.joypads[playerNum + 1]
    if joypadData.controller then




I found the following solution that will always work every time the info panel window is created, but overwriting a function just feels bad.

local oldCreateChildren = ISCharacterInfoWindow.createChildren

function ISCharacterInfoWindow:createChildren()
    self.testView = ISTestPanel:new(getSpecificPlayer(self.playerNum), 0, 8, self.width, self.height - 8)
    self.testView.infoText = "Test"
    self.panel:addView("Test", self.testView)


Does anyone have a better solution they're willing to share?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Squall4120
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