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remove item after create recipe


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Hello. Please helps!
We are making a recipe.
In the recipe, we execute a function in the onCreate event that adds items item1 and item2.
I need to remove item3.
Does anyone know how to do this?
inv:remove("TestMod.Item3"); - does not work


function recipe_CreateItems(items, result, player)
	local inv = player:getInventory();


recipe Create Two Items


Issue resolved.
You need to add RemoveResultItem:true to the recipe,

Edited by woobla
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On 6/12/2022 at 1:34 PM, Hugo Qwerty said:

Just FYI, there is no remove function - it's Remove, or RemoveOneOf.  There's also a DoRemoveItem.  I don't know what the difference is between them.



This is the source of those functions

public void Remove(InventoryItem inventoryItem) {
  for ( int i=0; i < this.Items.size(); ++i ) {
    InventoryItem _item = (InventoryItem)this.Items.get(i);
    if ( _item == inventoryItem ) {
      if ( inventoryItem.uses > 1 ) --inventoryItem.uses; else this.Items.remove(inventoryItem);
      inventoryItem.container = null;
      this.drawDirty = true;
      this.dirty = true;
      if ( this.parent != null ) this.dirty = true;
      if ( this.parent instanceof IsoDeadBody ) ((IsoDeadBody)this.parent).checkClothing(inventoryItem);
      if ( this.parent instanceof IsoMannequin ) ((IsoMannequin)this.parent).checkClothing(inventoryItem);

public void DoRemoveItem(InventoryItem inventoryItem) {
   this.drawDirty = true;
   if ( this.parent != null ) this.dirty = true;
   inventoryItem.container = null;
   if ( this.parent instanceof IsoDeadBody ) ((IsoDeadBody)this.parent).checkClothing(inventoryItem);
   if ( this.parent instanceof IsoMannequin ) ((IsoMannequin)this.parent).checkClothing(inventoryItem);


So DoRemoveItem() simply deletes the item regardless of its type, while Remove() checks if it is a drainable and if so, it subtracts only one consumption unit from it. Any none-drainables will be deleted, too.

Also Remove() uses a loop which seems unecessary since ArrayList.remove() won't throw an error if the argument is not present in it, so I guess, this is a deprecated method which just remains for backwards compat for mods since you can use the usedDelta etc now for drainables

If so, you should prefer DoRemoveItem() for the sake of performance.


But tbh, that's just a guess based on the code



Edited by stuck1a
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