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Ambient Music for Times of Safety


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I was farming cabbages on my fenced off plot of land and realized the musical score doesn't quite fit in situations where the player is mostly safe. It lends an air of suspense and unease to a monotonous task taking place in a well defended location far from any zombies. 



Introduce ambient music tracks for times where the player is safe/far from zombies. This music should still contain hints of danger (we're not making Stardew Valley here), without being as dramatic as the current ambient music.



This would give players a sense of achievement in having made a safe spot for themselves in a world that wants to eat them, and make leaving this zone for supplies all the more dramatic.



The development team would have to define the line between the current music and this new music, whether that be a completely fenced off area, a tile devoid of all/most zombies, a tile with farmland in it, etc... . Calmer ambient music may also take away from the sense of dread that this game tries to create and make players too comfortable. 

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