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What are they teaching kids these days, anyway?


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Day 260:


Today I made my way to the Elementary School. I wasn't going to go in there at all but then I remembered there was probably a cafeteria in there and maybe even a nurse's office. I guess it takes the damned zombie apocalypse to make a person remember school food with a smile on their face...and so there I was. Ran into a crowd of about seventy five or so geeks milling around on the street near the entrance. There were three of the town's volunteer firefighters in the crowd, still dragging their fire axes behind them; thank god geeks don't use tools because I'd hate to bet on my axe work being better than theirs. That got me thinking about an old movie I remembered with a guy waving a sword around all fancy-like right up until the hero pulled out a gun and shot him...so I pulled out my sawed-off shotgun and started reducing the crowd. Normally I'd say a shotgun is about the worst thing you can use when you are trying to be subtle, but subtle flew right out the window as soon as crowd of geeks started wailing and moaning anyway.


About an hour later, between my shotgun and my axe I had about a hundred not-so-fresh and no longer moving corpses laying on the pavement; seems another twenty five or so heard all the commotion and came swarming out of the woods to join the party. I toyed with the idea of rummaging through the bodies...but between the stench and gore and the light drizzle that was slowly turning into a serious downpour I figured it just might be time to head into the school.  Maybe the rain would do something for the smell, but it wouldn't do me any good at all if I let myself get soaked.


There were a couple of smashed windows up front, and the glass was all over the ground inside the building.  I nodded to myself; some geek had bashed its way inside and I prepared myself for some close-quarters fighting.  Good time to pop some beta blockers, I figured; wandering around in half-dark buildings waiting for some geek to turn you in to lunch is scary enough without adding panic into the bargain.  I climbed through the broken glass, steeling myself for the alarm to go off.  That got me thinking more about what I was likely to find in this place...piles of little broken bodies with half-gnawed bones, or even worse having the alarm bell go off and starting an obscene parody with little three foot tall geeks rushing out of their classrooms, arms outstreched as they swarmed down the hall...but wonder of wonders, there was no alarm.  Even stranger, I found myself in what was probably the principal's office, with all the doors locked and no geek in sight.  Then I remembered the dance party in the street outside; with luck, maybe I drew some of them out of the school and back outside where they were now laying in the rain with their fellows.


I moved out into the hallway.  It was silent, which I expected - geeks don't usually do much unless they see or hear something worth chasing - but it also didn't smell bad at all, which was surprising.  Let a body (or twelve) rot in a building for a few months and I guarantee you it's a smell you'll never forget.  Here, though, all I could smell was the mustiness of paper and a faint whiff of paste and finger paints.  The hallway was completely undisturbed with a light layer of dust on top of everything.  Nothing had been down this hallway in a long time - probably since day one.  It was starting to look like I wasn't going to face the horror of having to fight some rotting child.  Still, the hallway held horrors enough; all the trappings of a happy schoolday...trophies, banners with little handprints of paint, pictures of smiling children...enough.  Couldn't let myself get caught up in melancholy; that would get me killed just as fast as panic.  Back to business it was.


The cafeteria was deserted.  More than that, there was no sign of a panic or an evacuation.  With all the dust laying around it was starting to look like school had never opened on day one.  I checked the food prep area; found a few cans of food, some beef jerky (or maybe it was just mummified beef; who cares as long as it's not rotten?), a couple of jars of government peanut butter and some ramen.  God, ramen; I figured I was done with that stuff when I graduated college.  The end of the world, go figure; the roaches and ramen will outlast us all.  I opened up the freezers long enough to confirm that nothing in there had seen 'freezing' for a very long time and wasn't going to be on the menu ever again.


I left the cafeteria and headed across the hall to the classrooms.  Now or never, I thought, and braced myself as I swung open the door...to find that same layer of dust covering everything, totally undisturbed.  My suspicions were now confirmed; no one and nothing had been in this building since day one.  No bodies, no geeks, no blood and gore.  I closed the door behind me as I moved into the room to keep some geek from following me in and surprising me, and started clearing all the attached rooms.  Coatroom, check; connected to the second classroom, also clear...time to search.  This is where it got a bit odd; I expected the pens and pencils and paper, all the normal schoolday supplies...but mixed right in with all the rest I found several stashes of 9mm ammunition.  I guess school in Kentucky was a lot rougher than I remembered.  Or maybe the curriculum has expanded.  Who knows?


On the way out I spotted the door to the restrooms.  No 'mens' and 'womens' here; 'boys' and 'girls', underscoring the horror that mercy spared me from in this place.  I've still never found a geek sitting on the toilet, but I haven't outlasted the geeks for this long by taking stupid chances, so I carefully checked all the stalls before searching.  It was all clear, so I rummaged around and found some antidepressants in a trash can.  Yeah, school here was definitely rougher than I remembered.


By the time I got to the front door all ready to leave the rain had stopped.  Good timing, that; I get tired of burning hours waiting for things to dry up.  One of these days I'm sure I'll find a raincoat, but apparently folks in this neck of the woods didn't have much use for them.  Then I saw the pile of geeks from the dance party laying all over the pavement.  Or maybe I smelled them first; the rain didn't do them much good.  Either way, I remembered those firemen I saw dragging those axes around, and you can never have too many fire axes; that led to another hour carefully checking that there were no lurkers and then rifling through the bodies for anything useful.  Not much...besides the three fire axes, which are better than gold these days.  Time to head back to a safehouse.




Postscript:  I wasn't sure if this should go in 'playthrough stories' or 'fan fiction' since it's a retelling of what I actually did as I was playing earlier today, fictionalized into story form...so if some mod thinks it's best placed in the other forum, no hard feelings :)

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dafuq did i just read, i thought you was going to talk about today's school system by reading thread title:P

Well, given that this is a forum about PZ...I guess it was just a thought that occurred to me when I found myself gathering bullets and antidepressants inside the elementary school ;)

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