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Are there any vanilla or very lightly modded servers?


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It seems like all the servers available are heavily modded. As someone that hasn't really experienced multiplayer, I would like to without having to learn 50+ mods as well. If anyone has or knows of a vanilla or lightly modded server that is recruiting players, I would be interested in joining.


For some background, I haven't been playing PZ long (maybe a month or so) but saw it years ago and didn't get around to trying it. Life long gamer, started with our family getting Atari for Xmas when I was little. Eventually getting the Sega Master system and NES, where my dad playing rpgs like Phantasy Star and Destiny of an Emperor got me hooked. We had an old Commadore 64 that was fun to mess around with, but getting a PC in the mid 90's was a game changer.

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There are a few mods I've experimented with in single player. Nothing that actually changes the gameplay or adds items. Among the ones I do use, my favorite has to be status bars for food, water, fatigue, and so on. There are a couple that improve descriptions for moodles, traits, and crafting recipes. One adds a fuel side indicator to cars, which I'll admit hasn't made much difference. 


I have tried a few mods that add and/or change things, though I haven't really gotten into them much. There is a bow/crossbow mod that allows for looted and crafted bow/crossbows. One that I do like adds "7 days to die" style horde nights, which can be customized.

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Bonjour !

Oui beaucoup de serveur sont "sur-moddés" pour justement avoir une expérience de jeu différente du vanilla. 


Notre serveur quand à lui contient également des mods mais ne modifie pas l'expérience de jeu, pas de mods qui accélère l'expérience ou rend l'aventure plus ou moins simple. 

Avec des ajouts de véhicules ou de maps dans la vanilla qui restent réaliste et qui ne favoriserais pas un joueur par rapport à un autre. 


De plus, nous restons à ton écoute pour des modifications nécéssaires. 

Si ça t'intéresse voici mon post avec le lien du discord dessus


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