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Modding Item Categories


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One of the biggest annoyances in PZ for me is the inventory sorting, things keep shifting places, there's food and clothing labelled as items while others are labelled as food and clothing, and there's just 4 categories to sort them into, which is really not enough for someone like me who's always carrying full loads back and forth and organizing them into different crates. Add to that the fact that the scroll bars and the panels themselves are a bit unstable (tending to stick to the mouse sometimes), and you start to despair for a mod that adds some more functionality to the inventory.


Is there a simple way to assign different categories for inventory sorting?

I've tried altering "Normal" or "Weapon" type items in items.txt to things like "Carpentry" or "Medicine" but it either has no result or shows up as a "blooo".

Can't find anything relevant in any other file concerning item categories. Is this harcoded in java or (please) is it possible to edit?


Sorry for the (probably) newb question. I have zero knowledge of code.

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I'm pretty sure the item type within the items.txt is used for more than diplay.


You should take a look at the necroforge or zspawn (deprecated) mod : They both implement a UI which looks like a detailed inventory, with handmade categories such as farming, drinks, carpentry, weapon, etc


There is even a button on screen !


Their code could help you to cluster objects into category; you may have to do another window for the inventory and hide (in game?) the old one. UI is moddable anyway.


Same idea as yours :

Have a look here : http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/4395-better-management-mod/

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Thank you for the quick reply and very good suggestions.


I've glanced at the code for Necroforge... I can't say i understand half of it, but i'll study it a bit to see if i can extract some useful bits.


That Management Mod thread you posted gives me some hope that i may yet see this problem solved without having to take a degree on programming. Still, my curiosity trumps my patience any day. I'll take a stab at modding this if it doesn't turn out to be too complex.

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