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Break the Second Floor Meta!!!

Ciber Ninja

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Since the dawn of Zomboid players have lorded their stairless second floors over the poor downtrodden zombinos. I say no more! No more shall the discovery of a sledgehammer herald perfect safety! No more shall ubiquitous invincible fences obstruct the passage of the great hordes!

All zombies everywhere must rise up in revolution!

Rise up in the form of a pile of bodies!

Proposed mechanic:

When a large horde of zombies forms pushing up against a wall, zombies near the center of the horde should slowly be visually lifted up until their pile is large enough to reach the second Z-level.

obviously this can only happen with truly huge hordes, partially for balance, but also because I think you would need a bunch of zombies to make it look good visually. If they are dense enough that you can't see the ground, then it won't look so weird if ones near the center aren't actually touching it. 

Piling up like this should crush some small portion of the zombies, turning a few into crawlers & maybe leaving a corpse or two behind when they move on.

And even with really big hordes, only a trickle can actually make it over the fence / to the 2nd level since most of them are needed to form the pile itself.

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