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Differences between Desury and Steam Build


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Are there any signifant differences in the game versions from Steam and Desura? Or will they both keeped up at the same rate?

I bought another game from Desura long ago and after the Steam version came out the updates for the Desura version came less frequently and you had to wait sometimes weeks before they were the same game version again.

I hope that Indie Stone Games won't do the same to it's customers since the Desury version came before the Steam version. I know that Steam is a larger known gaming plattform as Desura and they have a bigger community but I still want to keep both builds at the same rate.


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I think the difference is Desura only recieves stable updates, while Steam has an opt-in 'beta' option. The updates will go through the betas for testing before being the next official update. So Desura will update less if you're not using Steam's beta opt-in, otherwise they're the same.

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