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Kingsmouth impressions


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So I recently tried the new Kingsmouth challenge map and to be honest, I was impressed. It's much larger than I thought and it was actually a lot of fun to play it!


I hope a sandbox version of it is added because I'd love to mess around in that map with different settings.


The Pros:

1. It was very immersive, and quite claustrophobic to be stuck on a resort island full of Zombies, it felt really good.

2. The map design was amazing, definitely enjoyable!

3. It was quite exciting to have a real beach!

4. The fenced off military area was quite exciting, I didn't manage to get in yet but I saw many zeds wearing army outfits.


The Cons:

1. Loot was very scarce, several playthrough I couldn't even find a weapon, most of the time I was stuck with a frying pan. It seems most of the houses in the immediate area has barely any loot, and it's difficult to fight groups of Zeds with just a frying pan, especially in this new version.

2. Several parts of the map appeared unfinished, or at least buggy, but it's still great to see such an interesting map!

3. No palms or tropical plants, since it's the Caribbean I was hoping for a less temperate wilderness.


All in all I enjoyed it!

What are your thoughts on it?


EDIT: Finally got to the military base, it is indeed a military site, complete with an airfield and a big ass armory.

3c078321955b6d8292009e60d848837f.jpg it's pretty sweet! The military gear is also amazing, the new 90 carry weight reduction backpack blows the hiking bag out of the water!

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