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game crash on start up

Bob Isme

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Today my wifes PZ wont load
We've searched other posts in regard to issues, We've:

Removed the fmod.dll's and verefied integrity, 
checked for an update to her graphics card drivers
unsubscribing to hydro n loading changes nothing
compatability mode does nothing
disabled steam overlay, does nothing

tried altering options via users/zomboid/options, nothing...
It runs in 32 bit mode, but ..steam runs it from 64bit? and we can't use the -nosteam to join our server?

I just grabbed the console text for your perusal :D:)



*It starts the dos box in the background runs some text, black screen and then back to desktop
her game crashed last night, turned it on this morning to this

(she has a gateway Desktop pc SX series.. )


Placed an identical post on steam forums

Edited by Bob Isme
steam note :P and add another failed fix option
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