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Smoked meats?


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Now I searched the forums and I couldn't find anything on this so I started the topic.

Jerky is already in the game, which- and correct me if I'm wrong- just involves drying meat and adding salt.

Sooo why not be able to make smoked goods?

It lasts significantly longer than regularly cooked food and you can pretty much smoke any kind of meat (though I've never heard of smoked chicken). I hope this already hasn't been brought up- I was surprised not to find anything.

Maybe that's too challenging but I figure in a survival game, you're going to want to be able to keep food good for as long as possible.

Also, being able to make jerky instead of just finding it would be awesome too. You'd just need to find salt and somehow dry it for like a day (or however long it takes, I didn't exactly research the process of making jerky)



Ugh, I saw that someone was working on a smoked meats mod so I guess this has already been brought up.


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As I understand it smoking meats and curing meats are two different things. Curing requires salt and drying meat that way. Smoking meat is actually letting meat hang above a fire for long periods of time (24 hours+ is best). The big point to both of them is making sure there's no moisture left.


I think it's something we might be able to see after hunting is added.

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