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How to host a private sandbox? Please help a noob.


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TLDR: Help me set up a private server me and my brother can play on locally. Preferably in a way that let's me change some settings.



So I've always been terrible with port forwarding, and thus server running in general. Little programs like the steam dedicated server tool make things much easier. But I'm still lost when it comes to port forwarding. I guess I should start with, I don't know what each of my IP addresses are for. In other words; I've got a router IP that I type in at the top to get to my modem page ( here I forward ports 8766 and 16261 with TCP/UDP protocols on my router IP). I've also got a LAN IP or IPv4 (I think the two are interchangeable.) that differs from my router IP by just one digit. And finally I've got a Public IP which is different entirely. I'd like to know which ones I need for this process because I haven't the faintest idea.


My brother and I both just got this game yesterday and we are loving it. Unfortunately we can't really play together because our ping to any server is 150+ for some reason and we usually rubber band all over and get killed by zombies we can't even fight because on our screens we are a block ahead. It's frustrating as hell and for now we've pretty much gone into two separate solo games. I don't really know anything about setting up a private server but I've been using this tutorial. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=514493377. I don't know if it's outdated or what, but I keep getting either server failed to respond, or failed to establish P2P connection with server. I don't know what either means since the steam dedicated server tool says it is started and steam is enabled. 

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