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Adding options to the build menu without overwriting the original lua files.


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Hey everyone! So, I'm going to give some coding sniplets of things I think might be usefull for everyone here. With the main focus on keeping compatibility issues between mods as minimal as possible, and retaining the same functionality.
Sounds good right? :D
So here is the first one, for adding things to the build menu!

--Creation of the sub menu in the original script:--Creation of the sub menu in the original script:--local buildOption = context:addOption(getText("ContextMenu_Build"), worldobjects, nil);--local subMenu = ISContextMenu:getNew(context);--What you use to add to the existing build submenu in your own script:local subMenu = nil;local buildOption = nil;for i,v in ipairs(context.options) do	if v.name == getText("ContextMenu_Build") then		buildOption = v;		subMenu = context:getSubMenu(buildOption.subOption);	endendif subMenu then	--Now you can add your stuff to the build menu.	--subMenu:addOption("Build <your object name>", variable1, ISYourClass.onYourFunction, variable2, etc);end

What it does is check the already created context menu (the dropdown thing you get when you right click) looks for the submenu called "ContextMenu_Build", and once found it uses that.

This way multiple mods can add to it, and there will be no need to overwrite the original lua file. :)


Hope it helps <3

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