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Private Server WIP


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Hello everyone,


I finally managed to buy this awesome game (I used to try it now and then sharing a friend's Steam library).

So we bought a 4-pack and got ready to start our 24/7 private online server.


We're currently using Hamachi and everything seems to run smoothly BUT if you have any tip on how to create a different network without the 5 user limit it'd great.


So I try to change some options to get a healtier game according to our style, that's what I do:


1) Run PzServerSetting.exe and edit every option I want to be changed

2) Save the .lua file servertest_SandboxVars to Users/.../Zomboid/Server/

3) Run the server through the batch ProjectZomboidServer


But it still happears to use the default options (I'm changing stuff like exp multiplier and zombie speed /strenght so I guess I should be able to see some REAL change in-game).

Am I doing anything wrong? I also tried to look for some .ini or similar file that tells the server which file to load to run edited options instead of the default ones.


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Hello everyone,


I finally managed to buy this awesome game (I used to try it now and then sharing a friend's Steam library).

So we bought a 4-pack and got ready to start our 24/7 private online server.


We're currently using Hamachi and everything seems to run smoothly BUT if you have any tip on how to create a different network without the 5 user limit it'd great.


So I try to change some options to get a healtier game according to our style, that's what I do:


1) Run PzServerSetting.exe and edit every option I want to be changed

2) Save the .lua file servertest_SandboxVars to Users/.../Zomboid/Server/

3) Run the server through the batch ProjectZomboidServer


But it still happears to use the default options (I'm changing stuff like exp multiplier and zombie speed /strenght so I guess I should be able to see some REAL change in-game).

Am I doing anything wrong? I also tried to look for some .ini or similar file that tells the server which file to load to run edited options instead of the default ones.


Try saving it in PZ's main media/lua area. I have to find the exact path but I'm pretty sure there's some sort of MP/server folder in there you need to put the file into. I would have to check when I'm home.

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