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server side mods


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In a lot of games that allow online gameplay, especially sandbox games like this one and minecraft, the games typically have plugins or mods that can be ran server side that each user accessing the server can utilize. I've found many mods on this site but I'm just curious if there are mods or plugins that I can just have the server run or does everyone joining need to be running the mods? That's fine if so, we are a small group that play together but I just need to know where to start and how to do it.


I look online and find very indirect answers. I just want to know the following: Can mods be ran server side so each user can utilize the  mods capabilities or does each user need to have the mods installed? With that being asked, if I add in something like the marijuana mod and they are cultivating and such, will the server remember that and other users be able to see the other users crops?

I'm running build 29.4. Thank you so much for your help!

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Mod installment for games are something to be heavily thought about before implementing. Based on the scope of exposure to commands to lua, or any medium sent to other people's clients, this could be abused, although I know that the lua interpretor used by Zomboid is configured to block specific commands that could put people's computers at potential risk of malicious mod code.


I think this is a good idea, however, I think that zomboid needs more time to mature as a multiplayer complex before anything like this is to be implemented into the game.

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