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Health, weather, and renderers


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I've noticed there are two places where Zomboid could benefit from a little extra love a lot. The first is an intuitively dynamic GUI. What I mean by this is simple: a GUI that gives non-symbolic feedback for the character's state, in a way that also directly impacts gameplay. Anyone who's played DayZ or many other games will understand. In DayZ, lower health creates a blurry screen with low saturation. This is one example, though Zomboid need not copy it exactly.

What I suggest is the following:

Low health - progressively blurrier screen with more grain, perhaps with a bleaching effect, perhaps with a slow but increasingly wobbly frame. Player's cone of vision falls.

High fatigue - blurrier screen, fall in cone of vision distance

High stress - tunnel vision. Rapid decrease in angle of cone of vision, loss of diameter of hearing radius also. Perhaps a high contrast shader as well.

Sleepiness - blurry.

This in addition to more dynamic sound effects will both increase difficulty and immersion.

Second, the weather. There are no distinct shaders for different weathers, moon phases, or time of the year. This should change. We should have a strong, bright sunny shader, the current one for overcast, a darker one for heavy rain, and more brightness options for night weather, including pitch black for overcast, and brighter ones for full moon.

Also, I don't know if it's possible, but cloud shadows would be awesome.

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