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  1. I'm kind of surprised by how short sighted is considered a "free trait point" currently when the need of glasses can be such a huge issue IRL. As such, I thought up a few suggestions that not only would make the short sighted a much more meaningful negative trait that could even be increased to +6 trait points or even +8 but are a lot more interesting in game and make it something that is actually a huge choice to make. 1- Your screen should literally blur if your character is without glasses with the exception of things within a certain range of your character getting gradually worse the farther from your character it is. Very similar to how the "fog" works outside, but near the character it should barely be noticeable while it should get stronger the farther from your character it is until things are indistinguishable from a certain distance. This means that your character wearing the glasses on their face is extremely important since without it, you as a player won't be able to see things far from your character as well as if there was a permanent fog in the game. Also it should give CRAZY negative accuracy that gets worse with the distance your character is from the target. This means that without glasses, you won't be able to hit enemies with a gun that are far from you AT ALL. Even though you can start with glasses (which is very important that you do), there are many situations in the game that make the character drop the glasses, like tripping or being brought to the ground by a zombie that caught your foot and so on. More to come with the NPCs update for sure. This also mean that you don't get to wear facemasks to protect you or full head helmets that cover your face or any sort of mask that also takes up your eyes. In runs that have the zombie virus be airborne, this means no wearing gas masks or any seriously protective masks. 2- Glasses should have a hidden "durability" that shrinks as they fall to the ground or whenever they are stepped on while on the ground. This is huge because you never know when your glasses will break, which means you need to get spares from zombies. I won't even get on the matter of prescriptions not to make this overly complicated, lets just say everyone magically has the same prescription, but if your glass breaks because a zombie tripped you and stepped on your glasses and you don't have a spare, you are very screwed. 3- Being without glasses should give stress by the hour, since it is extremely stressful to not be able to see things properly. It should also give a permanent first level of panic if without glasses outside since you can't properly see if there are zombies in the distance that can already see you. Similarly, it should reduce the boredom reduction effect of televisions if you are without glasses since you can't perfectly see the TV unless you are very close to it. With all this, short sighted would still be a pretty good negative trait to get, since you can just start with the glasses to counter its effects from character creation, but it would be a serious negative trait that properly portrays the effects of being short sighted and how important glasses are to you, being the difference of life and death in a world that not seeing things can quite literally get you killed. As someone that needs to use glasses every day or else I can't even properly see my computer screen while sitting on my chair I can tell you that being without glasses in a zombie apocalypse would be a death sentence and the game should properly portray that.
  2. Wasn't sure where to put this, but I'm just surprised contacts + contact solution isn't a thing modders have introduced yet. I figure the contact case would work just like glasses do, the solution probably just for fun.
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