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These are a few bugs I've noticed associated with all the Jar of [Food] in build 40.7. 1. Cooking They all have an "Uncooked" tag, which upon cooking, doesn't seem to do anything, apart from changing to "Cooked". Burning gives the usual +20 boredom and unhappiness, except it can't be eaten, only opened. Upon opening, nothing seems to have changed with the contents. Possibly I'm missing something? I considered it might be part of the pickling process, however I don't think that's normal when pickling food. They are set to be cookable in newitems.txt. So maybe just leftover code after switching from making jam? Snippet from newitems.txt, associated with each pickled food. OnCooked = CannedFood_OnCooked, IsCookable = TRUE, MinutesToBurn = 120, MinutesToCook = 60, 2. Nutrition While they can't be consumed as is, the nutrition values are shown if you have the nutritionist trait, although they are all 0 (zero). In newitems.txt they don't have any, not that they need them though. Just a minor hassle seeing the nutrition values. 3. Opening Opening a jar will only return the contents and the empty jar, but not the lid.
Reproduction steps 1. Stand outside during a rain storm and get wet until you are "Soaking" 2. Climb into a vehicle (I noticed it with a Chevalier Cerise Wagon) and drive around. 3. Eventually wetness state will get worse to "Drenched" Shin